As we all know (or maybe have heard through social media) last night was the first Presidential Debate with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Now the viewers of these debates split into 3 different parts. 1/3 of them are watching the debate as educated individuals who wish to make a change in the world with their vote. 1/3 have no idea whats going on and are trying to better understand it as we get closer. The last 1/3 of this group are the people who follow the debate on social media. I fall under the category of all of the above (yeah, that should be split into 1/4 then???). It's no surprise that this debate had us all on our toes, rolling our eyes and wanting to smash the nearest object in sight. Twitter was the height of all of the commotion going on. We had the people who were fact checking, celebrities cracking jokes and overall just hilarious tweets that couldn't go unnoticed. Here are some of the best tweets during the debate:
Pretty great right? You be the judge of these tweets! Leave a comment about which one had you cracking up, some others I may have left out, or some key things you think are important other people should know about this debate!