Twins. There are 1 in 90 births that result in twins, and if you happen to encounter a pair of twins, especially identical you are sure to look twice. Believe me, I know. As an identical twin myself, I have compiled an astonishing number of questions that people will ask, and yes, rest assure some are quite stupid. But for all those curious souls out there, your questions have been answered.
1. "Are you twins?"
No not at all, in fact long distant cousins.
2. "What's it like being a twin?"
Twins get this all the time. Being a twin is all that I have ever known. How's it like not being a twin? Bet you can't answer that one.
3. "Do you have telepathic abilities?"
Sometimes, I truly wonder if people believe what they ask. In any case, many times twins know each other so well that they already know what the other one would feel in regards to a certain situation, idea, or action. I mean, after 21 years, I am sure to know what my twin sister is thinking.
4. "Do you guys fight?"
If you never fight, that is like asking are you truly siblings. The answer is always yes.
5. "Can your parents tell you apart?"
If you spend time with twins, you will sure soon realize that twins are completely two different individuals with their own personalities. Besides parents tend to know their own children better than children know themselves. Heck, my parents knew who I was, before I even knew what my own name was.
6. "Which one are you?"
I'm sorry, who are you again? Although this question may seem harmless, it can be pretty offensive. Although twins may look alike, they are not truly identical. Overtime, twins will expect you to be able to tell them apart, and no worries we'll give you a week leeway, or two at best.
7. "How can you tell yourselves apart?"
I know what this question is asking, but truly think about what is being ask. How would I not know who I am? I mean obviously I am me and that is her. Okay, besides the silliness of the question, this is actually hard for twins to answer. From an outsiders point of view, we may look exactly the same. However, from my perspective, if I look side by side in the mirror with my sister, we look nothing alike.
8. "Are you identical or fraternal?"
Identical... I think? Twins that look alike, for example the Olsen twins are in fact fraternal, but you would think identical. Unless a test was taken, the world will never know. But, know matter, whether identical or fraternal being a twin is something special.
9. "Who is older?"
Me, by one minute! In reality and in some cases, twins don't know or care who is older. Oftentimes, this question is associated with stereotypes; You are older, you must be bossier.
10. "Did you ever switch places in school?"
Don't you wish you could? All twins have probably played this trick, and why not? As the saying goes, play to one's advantage.
11. "Which one is more outgoing/smarter?"
Twins just can't be compared, we are our own individuals. But, go ahead and ask, because being compared to your own twin is something special. No one else in that world knows the other best, than your twin.
12. "Do you do everything together?"
Twins are individuals and they have their own personalities and interests, and they are oftentimes best friends. Some twins diverge onto different paths and others converge and end up loving the same thing.
13. "It's the twins"
Although this is not a question, this is by far the number of label of a twin's life. The word "twin" is a substitute for a twins' name(s). Literally. It's wonderful being a twin, but please don't use this phase all the time, especially if you are expecting to get to know a set of twins. I in fact, am very fond or my own name, thank you.
Twins. Peas in a Pod. Double the Trouble. Two for One.
Indeed, being a twin has its many perks, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Having a twin is being born with a best friend!
Although at times people can ask the most bizarre questions, it is just something that becomes a part of who we are as twins.
Therefore, continue to ask questions! It won't be the first nor the last they are asked.