Chase Your Dreams-
No dream is every too big, or ever too small. Don't accept failure because the only time you truly fail is when you fail to not try. Chase after the moon and stars and don't give up fighting for your dreams.
We have all been on those low-carb, no sugar basically no anything diet. I am here to tell you STOP! Life is to short to sit here and eat one peanut, enjoy food and eat what you want. If you want a cupcake eat a cupcake and not one of those weight watches cupcakes a real, sugar filled one.
The world is your oyster. Experience new cultures, meet new people and most of all have fun learning who you are because of the places you visit. If you haven't been out of the USA, take a chance and get out, go to a place you wouldn't ever go. Open up yourself to the world around you!
Stop giving chances to people who aren't worthy of even having the first chance.
In college, you will cross paths with different people. Not every person you date is going to be the one and not every person you date is worthy of having a chance. If you are like me, you might feel the need to keep giving people chances in hopes that the outcome will change. I am here to tell you, the outcome won't change. Don't keep wasting your time, make your time count, enjoy your life.
Make mistakes -- a lot of mistakes.
Mistakes don't always have to be bad, sometimes mistakes teach us a valuable lesson and those lessons are what define us.
Find what feeds your soul.
Whether that may be a career path or a cause that you believe in. Everyone is passionate about something, find out what you are passionate about and do it. Whether you want to help feed the world's poor or you simply contributing in small ways. When helping others remember nothing is ever too small or ever to big because the people you help will always be grateful.
Evolve & change as a person.
The person you were in high school isn't the same person you are now chances are you have grown and matured over the years. Ten years from now you won't be the same person you were in college-- you will change because people change-- everything changes. Make everyday a learning day and I mean learn who you are.
Love Yourself.
I feel like I am always telling my sister " Love who you are." So what your thighs touch, so what your boobs are small, so what that you get pimples sometimes. News flash everyone does.. not just you. When you stop hating your body and start loving your body you can open your eyes and truly love who you are and that is what you're twenties are for. Appreciating who you are and be unapologetically you.
STOP trying to please everyone.
Never let anyone stop you and never try to please someone other than yourself. Unfortunately, you aren't going to be able to make everyone happy so you might as well just make yourself happy. Everyone will have opinions on what you should do and what you should be doing in your twenties. People might even say" Oh you are 28 time to get married." " You are 26 and haven't had a kid yet." Be the driver of your own life and don't sit back while people make choices for you.
Conquer a fear.
Yeah I said it. I am the first one to tell you I hate snakes, heights and water but that doesn't mean if an opportunity presented itself for me to tackle that fear doesn't mean I wouldn't do it. There is nothing more liberating than conquering a fear that you have had for over a decade. YOU CAN DO IT!
Stop counting down the days.
We all count down the days until Christmas, your birthday or until the end of the week. Just stop. Love every day of every minute on this earth because you don't know what tomorrow holds. Stop wanting the days to hurry up and live in the moment.
Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Growing up means doing things that we may not like doing and may be uncomfortable but still doing them anyway. Suddenly you were 10 and now 23 and lived all your life in a small town and you just pick yourslef up and move. Change isn't something we like but change happens no matter what -- get used to it.
Let go of your past.
Let go of all those horrible ex's, let go of making an idiot out of yourself in front of people-- "Just let it go"
Appreciate the small things that life offers.
Sometimes the best gestures are the ones that didn't cost a things--- the ones that come from the heart that mean so much more.
Listen to your mom.
As mush as I hate admitting this-- your mom will always be right. If only we would have realized that sooner.
Learn who your real friends are.
Not everyone you will meet will like you and you won't always be friends with everyone. Take this time to figure out just who exactly is a friend and who exactly was never one to begin with.
Laugh at yourself ("Oh Happy Day.")
Don't take yourself too seriously and never miss a chance to laugh at yourself.Happiness comes from within, if you aren't happy maybe stop and figure out why you are not.
Take care of your skin .. Seriously
I have a bad habit of not taking of my make-up before hitting the sheets. Soon realized that I didn't need to look pretty asleep because who is going to see me plus it is really bad for your complexion.
Try eating healthy.
Yeah, I am not a fan either but by the time you are in your twenties you won't have the same metabolism.
Simply just enjoy your life.
Live Young. Wild. and free.