Lately, it seems apparent that millennials have become subject to much criticism on the internet. Older generations and some millennials themselves have taken a stand to point out the effects of living in the twenty-first century. Instead of bashing millennials, as one myself, I feel it is essential to remind them of the positive things we should continue doing rather than telling them what they are doing wrong any chance we get. Here are twenty things we can all do that all generations will admire.
1. Be polite.
This sounds really simple, but you'd be flabbergasted by how many people are offended by someone going out of their way to be polite. Don't listen to them. Do the right thing no matter what. For example, holding the door for someone is not in any way patronizing, it is welcoming, whether you are a male or female.
2. Obey the "Golden Rule."
Whether you are a part of a religion or not, this rule is universal and true for nearly all bases of faith. Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. Nothing less. If anything, be sure to go the extra mile. Be the person to brighten someone's day in a world where it is easy to feel in the dark.
3. Respect Your Elders.
Though we've grown up in different times and different environments, our elders are an invaluable resource for us to gain insight into the world we are not able to see: the past. Better than any history book or historian, the people who were actually there and lived through hard times in different ways will help us understand the present for what it is and what it could be.
4. Gain Insight to Cultures Other Than Your Own.
Please, please, please expand your mind. Pick one culture, such as African-Americans, Hispanics, or Jews and study it in detail. Get to know different types of peoples. Try to learn and understand their perspectives. You don't have to agree with them. Listen and try to understand. You'll be surprised how much you'll come to respect those who look and sound different than you, and you'll realize how much you are truly the same in ways you didn't know before hand.
5. Ask Questions, Then Search for the Answers Yourself.
It's so easy to take someone's word for it. The media, your textbook, a news article, your friends, a Facebook or Twitter trend are all mediums of communicating in which information can become quickly skewed or inaccurate. Be sure to ask questions and maintain a burning curiosity, but in doing so, remain relentless to find the out the truth about something that you really care about. In short, it's good to know the right things. You can solve problems when addressing the legitimate cause and effects of issues.
6. Understand The Truth About Truth Itself.
Inflation will occur. Politicians will talk and talk and talk. Even you will become entranced in what they are selling, but don't always buy it. Find where you, as an individual, stands on the truth. And when you're older, you too will fantasize about how these same politicians were nobel and rational. You'll talk about how the youth culture is the end of the world and that there is no hope for the future. This cycle will continue and consume people who aren't aware of it. Be careful what you buy into.
7. Be proactive: Save. Spend Less.
Plan for your future. In fact, build it. Learn to balance a check book. Learn to make a living for yourself. Don't depend on anyone else to do these things. Hold onto money that you don't have to spend. "Save it for a rainy day" called debt. Because, sadly, not all of us are guaranteed financial stability -- even those with money can lose it all.
8. Love Yourself in Order to Love Others.
How are you to love someone so deeply and passionately if you don't even like yourself? Before you chase after someone else to supply them with happiness... love yourself. Treat yourself. Have fun being you.
9. Educate Yourself.
As previously mentioned, if you are about something, a cause or an event in history that needs to be addressed, don't just half-ass your efforts in finding the ins and outs about the situation. Study it fully. Who knows, you might want to pursue it as a career?
10. Know Facts -- Media Can Lie.
Name a news network... they've not told the whole story before. Yep, that's personal agenda. A white lie? No, any lie is a lie. Get it straight. 'Nuff said.
11. Enhance Your Vocabulary.
Why say, "That was dope af," when you could say, "That was stupendous!"
Honestly, that word was dope. But on a serious note people, language is a beautiful thing. We can communicate ideas in a degree of urgency and importance or emphasis based on the words that we choose to use. It's quite liberating. It's quite dope. Or quite stupendous af. For real. You know, I think you get what I mean. And yes, I am lame. This is what coffee does to a writer, so I'm just going to leave this here and if my editor chooses to leave it here as well...yay!
12. Respect Your Partner.
Your partner is more than your boo, your girl, your man, your everything. They are their own individual being with as much value and significance as you, my friend. Do not treat them like they are second rate or inferior to you. They answer to no one but themselves, truly, and if they choose to be with you by free will, it's something special, and you should treasure your time with them by every minute and every second.
13. Don't Cower -- Stand Up For What's Right.
Be about that action. Don't just say you support something and back down because you might "offend someone" or "aren't being considerate." If you believe in what you do, stand up for it. Just be sure you know how to adequately defend your stance.
14. Take Responsibility for Your Actions.
We all can benefit from hearing this one. If something is your fault, be honest and take the hit. You save a lot of people headache when you do what you're supposed to do by being be bold and brave when given the choice to take the easy way out.
15. Respect Authority.
First of all, know your rights. Second of all, respect those who do indeed have power over you. Whether it's your parents, law enforcement, your teachers or professors, or your boss, you need to know your place and what you can and can't do. It's not limiting you, it's freeing you from any more problems. Be respectful and attentive when addressed by these individuals, and if something still goes awry, then address the issue with a higher official. But if it's your parents... good luck. Still, do the right thing.
16. Be Yourself, But Respect Yourself.
Individuality is a beautiful thing, but you can be individual without being inappropriate.
17. Know Your History.
Don't just know your residing country's history... Know your ethnic roots. Study on where you come from. Understand your family's past. Understand why you are where you are. Remember respecting your elders? Yeah, talk to them.
18. Find Happiness in the Simple Things.
Ever heard your grandparents start a story like, "Back in my day..."
Well, back in their day... things were more simple. We can learn from thatat least. Do simple, fun things. Go on bike rides, play outside, read a book... in other words... get off the cell phone and explore this beautiful world. It's nice out here.
19. Travel If You Can.
Gaining insight to other cultures and people of those cultures can be accomplished by traveling. Also, if you can afford to, it's great for vacationing with the family. Seeing the world is an experience that many people desire, so take advantage of it if you can.
20. Hard work pays off.
I can't say this enough. Working hard, no matter who you are or where you come from, is not a lost cause. You can do whatever you want to, as long as you keep fighting through every single struggle, leaving no doubt. Just ask Michael Jordan; did you know that he was cut from his high school basketball team? Look what happened to him.
A Millennial