On March Fourth was my 21st birthday, it was a great time, spend it with friends and some family, before spring break started. Now, I usually write a list of how many things that I learned in that year for how old I was, so this year I wanted to share it.
20: Little Kids aren’t that bad
My family adopted a little boy after being his foster family for a year, already our time with him was amazing and with him there is a never dull or quiet moment.
19: Praying is good, but acting on those prayers is better
A lot of the time, I just pray to God for him to handle something and I leave it at that, now I pray to have the strength to overcome something and then I go and overcome it.
18: Personally, Play Lists Are Amazing
I don’t like sharing my Spotify account with anyone (if you want to know what I listen to marry me), but always make playlists and always remake playlist, in fact make a playlist of the same song over and song over and over.
17: Stop trying to correct people
This maybe a little weird but, a lot of the times on the internet if you say anything people will try to correct you even if it is your opinion or view on something, just let the sleeping dog lie and block or delete
16: Animals are Better than people
My cat and dog are some of the best things in my life, always there for a cuddle even if I’m not there for most of the time
15: I’m Not that Bad at drawing
A lot of my friends are animators and I love to hang out with them as they bring drawings to life, after a couple of times sitting in, I started to draw along with them to get better.
14: Friends Make Your Days Better
I have many squads now in my life, my bean fam and my animation friends (taking in a poor film student), they make me laugh and help me learn and will always be there to drop the sickest beats.
13: Black Films Are some of the best films
Moonlight, Fences, Hidden Figures, Get Out etc. It’s an amazing to be alive and see so many good films that aren’t the usual cookie cutter films that usually come out. See them all.
12: Love Sleep, but Stay Woke
Sleep is important for the body but don’t sleep on LGBT+ rights, Women’s rights, Minorities’ Rights, or anyone’s rights. Stand with your brothers and sisters always.
11: Learning about myself while I’m single was important
I always wanted to be in a relationship, but my times being single helped me learn about myself that I want to work out before I have a second person to worry about
10: Traveling Close isn’t That bad
Day trips or weekend trips, are amazing, I’ve had a lot of fun just trying to escape from my small college town
9: Keeping Quiet Gets Nothing Done
Going back with 12 and 19, I can’t just stand back and let people in need, lose everything that they have in life. We can’t stay quiet, but must speech up.
8: Writing will always be my escape
I love to write, and will never stop writing, even if people tell me that I suck. Because the people that suck still make money and you don’t get better if you quit.
7: Never Give a Liar more than two chances
I’m looking at you Mr. 45
6: People Who Hate Art Don’t Get It
People laugh at people who go into art related things, don’t seem to understand how important they are to us. Without them we may all be wearing crocs, khakis and polos
5: Be a strong support to have strong support
Treat others as you want to be treated. If you want to be treated nicely treat others nicely or even better.
4: Finding a good hobby is important
I try to find hobbies outside of my major because then it feels like everything is work based. So, a lot of knitting, drawing and cooking.
3: Film Making is Fun
As a film major, I have a lot to learn and it’s kind of one of the majors that people look down upon because I may not get a job right away, but I have a long life to live.
2: I am still the Best
I use to struggle with low self-confident, but then one day it hit me that I’m only as good as what I see myself as. So if I see myself as the best, I am the best and nothing and really drag me down from that.
1: Video Games Are an Amazing Escape
This year I’ve played so many games and have been having some of the best times, I’m that one person in Overwatch that tries to keep the peace, and will stay on the payload. I’m killing it in Stardew Valley. Undertale is cute and mind blowing. Best Fiends just as an amazing Soundtrack. I love spending hours on end in my own world with others.
So here, you go. The Twenty things I learned when I was twenty, hoping for 21 amazing new things for this year.