If you're in your twenties, welcome to the stage of life I like to call the 'in between.' It's the stage of life where we all struggle with not being where we want to be, but we're not quite sure where we want to go, either. If you're feeling stuck in this phase of life, check out these struggles all twenty-somethings are feeling, too:
1. In between an adult and still a kid
Feeling stuck between being a fully functioning adult and then still needing your dad to explain how to fix your printer is okay, right?
2. Feeling lost
Figuring out where you're supposed to be, what you're supposed to be doing, and who you're supposed to be with will leave anyone feeling lost.
3. Being stuck
Caught between your dreams of moving to the city and your local waitressing salary.
4. Searching for more
If you're anything like me, you're probably always feeling like there is more to life. I'm constantly searching for something, without quite knowing what it is I'm looking for.
5. Desperately trying to figure out everything
In this stage, there are so many unanswered questions: where am I going to live? Where will I work? Who will I marry?
The twenty-something age gap is a confusing, yet fabulous and crazy adventure. Let's all take a deep breath and remember it is okay to not have it all figured out yet.