As we get older, there are just some things that don't fly in the adult world. By the time you are 20 years old and life seems to get a little more hectic, there are 20 skills you should already have in your back pocket.
1. How to properly shake a hand
I promise you this one is in the ranking for the top skill you need because of the importance behind a firm handshake. A sloppy, weak handshake alludes to the fact that you are poor in your work ethic and do not seem confident in your personal presence. So, for all my fellow college students, make sure to have this down pat before that interview!
2. How to park a car
This may just be the mini control-freak in me, but I do not understand why some people do not realize the lines in the parking lot are there for a reason.
3. How to write a professional email
Practice this by making sure to be professional in your emails you send to your college professors. If you do, then you'll be golden by your sophomore and junior year when you start to talk to companies for internships and jobs, or even graduate schools! Don't say 'hey' to the VP of a company. It just doesn't look good. They aren't your BFF just yet!
4. How to balance a checkbook
And no, this doesn't mean on your banking app. It may be old fashioned, but it makes you much more conscious of the money you are spending. Those Starbucks drinks really start to add up when you physically subtract $4.50 from your checking account per yummy mocha.
5. How to debone a chicken
If all else fails in the kitchen, at least know how to debone a chicken. The options are endless with what you can cook with chicken. Fajitas, chicken noodle soup, chili, sandwiches, salads, etc... the list goes on.
6. How to use a comma
This is probably because I was raised by a grammar perfectionist, but nothing irks me more than when I see a run-on sentence. Grammar skills will go very far in the workplace. If you have a few errors in your cover letter, but the person who is up tied for the job doesn't, then you'll probably get the short end of the stick.
7. How to sew on a button
Losing a button is never fun, but it's super easy to fix if you know how to use a needle and thread! If you don't already know how to, I bet you can ask your grandma and she would show you!
8. How to address a letter
I seriously did not know that someone could make it to college and not know where the stamp goes. I guess ya learn something knew everyday! For all of you people who have never climbed out from under your rock, the stamp goes on the top, right corner!
9. How to use cruise control
I love seeing on the highway the people who are going 82 mph and then thirty minutes later you catch up with them, yet you have not changed your speed. If you aren't a lover of cruise control, you should be! It really does save gas.
10. How to fold a fitted sheet
This is a long lost art. Most people resort to wadding up their fitted sheet and throwing it in the linen closet. But ALAS! I have good news. There is an actual method to this madness. Just google it and you can learn it from a Youtube video!
11. How to set a table
Many of us had to suffer through cotillion. Lucky for me, my mom accidentally forgot about the deadline back in middle school ;) But still, everyone should know how to set a table for future reference. Never know when you'll have to set the table for the Queen!
12. How to pump gas
This is hopefully something that everyone with a driver's license knows how to do. A few simple steps and you're good to go! Pay, pump, go! And don't forget to use loyalty points to get a few cents off!
13. How to swim
You never know when you'll be thrown into a body of water and have to fin for yourself. I sure hope this never happens, but you have to be prepared! Lucky for our generation, most moms made their kids suffer through swimming lessons each spring as a youngin'.
14. How to change your sheets on your bed
If you only change your sheets like twice a year, then I hate to break it to you but you are doing this way wrong. Studies show that you actually should wash your sheets at least every other week. The amount of dirt and debris that collects on your sheets that the naked eye cannot see is actually a bit repulsive after you read about it...
15. How to do a load of laundry
Speaking of washing, this one is important! As a 20-year-old I am hoping most of you know how to run a washing machine. Just make sure you separate your lights and your darks! It's easy as 1-2-3!
16. How to register to vote
Most people register to vote when they go to renew their driver's license. Although, for many college students, you are not residing in your home state where you are registered. For this situation, you can register for an absentee voter card! It's our civic duty, so go register today!
17. How to properly tip a waiter
If you can't properly tip, then don't go out to eat. A rule of thumb I always keep handy is just to double the tax. In most states, tax runs a little less than 10% of the bill. So if you just double the amount of tax that you are charged, voilà! You then have yourself an easily calculated tip.
18. How to jump start a car
You never know when you will have a dead battery. This could happen anywhere, and it is really scary at the moment in time when it's dark outside and you're trying to figure out how to use those funny clamps! Just remember - black is negative, red is positive. You'll thank me later.
19. How to travel light
Sadly, this is something I still have failed to learn. As a girl, and one who really likes clothes, it is just hard to narrow down the choices. One thing that sometimes help me pack a little lighter than usual is to actually plan outfit combinations and ones that can mix and match. This way you save double the room!
20. How to save money
This one is last, but definitely not least. Everyone who considers themselves an adult really needs to know how to take a portion of their allowance/paycheck and save it for later. This is a necessity for life, and especially if you want to retire one day. The earlier you start, the more money you'll have later! 401Ks and savings accounts are your friend!!