1. Go to that one college you worked so hard to get into. Do not chase the familiar.
2. Take that one job you swore you never would. I bet it ends up exactly how you never imagined.
3. You are not your raising. There is not one family on this earth that is 'normal' by any means. We all come from a little crazy.
4. That first big break up is exactly what it sounds like – a break up. Let it go and let it be. The longer you continue to tug on that string, the longer it'll take to heal. I promise you, you will survive.
5. Build a strong support system. You will need one.
6. I know you love hard but do not give your heart to every guy who tries to take it. Guard it and give it to the one who deserves it. You will know.
7. If he is married, he ain't leaving. They rarely do.
8. It's okay to cry and it's okay to be sad. Let it out and then pick yourself up. You are stronger than you think.
9. Take care of you – mentally. Mental health should come before physical. If you aren't right in the head, the rest won't matter.
10. So you gained a pound? There are far worst things and trust me, no one is watching.
11. It is okay to start over. Move to that one town you've had your heart set on. Don't let anyone hold you back.
12. Enjoy living alone – you never know when that one person will enter your life and become your forever roommate. Soak this up.
13. Pray. Pray. Pray. At the end of the day, HE is the only one that will never leave your side. He loves you. He hears you. He will guide you.
14. Always, always trust your intuition. It almost never lies.
15. Do not compare yourself to another female. God made each of us unique for a reason. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are worthy.
16. Remember, no one will ever love you like you love you.
17. Let go of the friendship that you never thought you'd lose. People change and people outgrow. Embrace what it was and move forward.
18. It's okay if your group of friends are small. You do not need 15 best friends. You'll survive with three.
19. Laugh at what life throws your way. Do not take it so seriously.
20. Most importantly, chase your dreams - wherever they may take you and whatever they may be. You have a purpose and it is your job to find out what that is. Enjoy it.