Twenty-One, Twenty-Fun | The Odyssey Online
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Twenty-One, Twenty-Fun

Outliving the Hype of Your Twenty-First Birthday

Twenty-One, Twenty-Fun

This past year I was lucky enough to celebrate my twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alcohol, gambling, and dance clubs featuring the Chainsmokers and Pitbull. Sounds awesome, right? Well, that night ended in sober tears and swollen feet.

First, let me preface this article by saying that I am not an ungrateful brat looking to vent on any outlet I can find. I am writing this article for those who are to turn twenty-one soon, to let them know that day may not be all you expected, but that’s O.K. Being over twenty-one is something you will experience for the rest of your life, not just that one day.

This Las Vegas trip was a family vacation, which included my older sister, my mom and dad. Both my mom and my dad do not drink alcohol and I had never seen either of them gamble, so I knew this Vegas trip would be one to remember. My dad was lenient on letting us gamble a bit and occasionally get a drink with meals. My mother always watched disapprovingly and gave me a one-drink limit for my twenty-first birthday. I was thankful that they had taken me to Las Vegas but very upset that they were depriving me of all things great about it.

My sister was determined to make sure I had a fabulous twenty-first birthday, like her friends had given her two years prior. She bought a confetti popper shaped like a champagne bottle, which she improperly detonated at midnight (we all laughed as she hand tossed the limp streamers in the air). We spent the day walking miles of the Vegas strip as a family. I wore a sash that said I was twenty-one, which many homeless people commented on it. Later that day, after a dinner at which a baby at the next table screamed during the entire duration of the meal, my sister brought me to Thunder Down Under, a male strip show. I am glad we sat in the back, it was comical but not something I would want to see up close. After the show, we decided to go to a club in our hotel featuring the Chainsmokers.

We stood in line sober for two hours packed between ropes with foreign drunk people. When we thought we were at the front of the line it would curve around a wall, never ending. As I watched the clock slowly dissolve out the hours left of my birthday the realization came that we wouldn’t make it into the club that day. Tears flooded in my eyes, more from tiredness and drunken irritation than impatience and ungratefulness. My sister saw the tears and quickly pointed out the fact that she tried her hardest for this night to be perfect. I composed myself as the clock tickled to one in the morning; the bouncer led us to the door. People were jammed together throwing their fists in the air and music pounded so loud that anything we said was inaudible. I wore a faux fur vest, leggings and boots, I had decided not to wear the twenty-one sash out. I don’t know what possessed me thinking that that was a fashionable outfit to wear out in Vegas. I had never worn a vest in my life, not even in the fall. Women were wearing stilettos, short skirts and dresses. I felt so out of place and the exhaustion from the day wasn’t making my mood any better.

I decided I should at least buy myself a drink. I went up to the bar and asked for a shot of whiskey. I could not hear what the bartender said so I gave him a twenty, which would have to be enough. He handed me back two dollar bills. I looked down at the receipt and it was eight-teen dollars for one shot of Jack Daniels.

We didn’t venture too far into the club by the time we decided that the night wasn’t going to get any better. My sister's feet were so swollen from her binding high heels, I had to hold her up as we walked back to the hotel room.

But the most unbelievable part of that day was that, throughout the entirety of restaurants and clubs, no one checked my ID to make sure I was even twenty-one.

A couple days later, our last night in Vegas, my sister and I decided to give the club one more chance. Pitbull was headlining and we were still looking to have the real Vegas experience. It ended up being truly an iconic night. We found a group of men to get us into the club right away with free bottle service. I have many funny stories from that night, and memories that will last a lifetime. The bouncer even checked my identification and said Happy Birthday.

I’ll leave you with this advice as your twenty-first birthday approaches. Expect the actual day not to be perfect. The less you expect, the more you will receive. Your attitude is really what makes the day what it is, be positive. Make sure to surround yourself with the people you love. Be thankful to all of those who try to make your day special, they didn’t have to do anything. Dress to impress. Wearing a sash and tiara is the best part and you shouldn’t be embarrassed about it. Also, plan your outfit in advance, it doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to give you confidence and comfort. Take a picture with the bouncer or bartender, whoever checks you identification first. This will be a funny memory with a stranger. Know your limit, you want to remember at least part of this special day. Most importantly, have fun. Be wild, be brave, be bold, do what you want it’s your birthday! Don’t let anyone’s opinion get in your way, especially not mine.

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