12. "We are banditos." | The Odyssey Online
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21 Lyrics From Twenty One Pilots' 'Trench' That Make Perfect Instagram Captions

The long-awaited album.

21 Lyrics From Twenty One Pilots' 'Trench' That Make Perfect Instagram Captions

On October 5, 2018, Twenty One Pilots released their fifth studio album, "Trench." While many were tucked away at night sleeping soundly, I was up into the early morning listening and memorizing the new songs produced by Twenty One Pilots. As their concert tour is about to kick off, so are the hundreds of photos that will come with. Here are the best lyrics from "Trench" to use as Instagram captions this year.

1. "Jumpsuit, cover me."

Song: Jumpsuit

2. "Welcome to Trench"

Song: Levitate

3. "I probably shouldn't show you, but it's way too late." 

Song: Levitate

4. "We're surrounded and we're hounded." 

Song: Morph

5. "I'll morph to someone else."

Song: Morph

6. "Stay with me, my blood."

Song: My Blood

7. "Let the vibes slide over me." 

Song: Chlorine

8. "Our culture can treat a loss like it's a win."

Song: Neon Gravestones

9. "You don't get thick skin without getting burnt." 

Song: The Hype

10. "Don't believe the hype." 

Song: The Hype

11. "East is up." 

Song: Nico and the Niners

12. "We are banditos." 

This line can only be found when the song is reversed.

Song: Nico and the Niners

13. "Nico and the Niners."

Song: Nico and the Niners

14. "Blood is on my tongue." 

Song: Cut My Lip

15. "I could take the high road, but I know that I'm going low." 

Song: Banditos

16. "Folina sahlo." 

Song: Bandito

"Sahlo" means to enable in Somali. Folina is a name and according to a name website I found, it means this:"Your name of Folina has made you happiest when you are expressing in some creative, artistic way, and not conforming to strict routine"

So "Sahlo Folina" means to enable expressive creations.

Source: https://genius.com/Twenty-one-pilots-bandito-lyrics

17. "And named him Jason." 

Song: Pet Cheetah

18. "My goodbye." 

Song: Legend

19. "You were one of those classic ones." 

Song: Legend

20. "I will stay alive." 

Song: Leave the City

21. "In Trench I'm not alone." 

Song: Leave the City

BONUS: Just use any of the song titles.

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