Ahh, the big 2-0. Gone are my teenage years, my days of awkward body changes, first loves, and trying like hell to figure out who I am (okay, I still have a few kinks to work out in this department). I have two years of college under my belt, an incredibly supportive family, a wonderful group of friends, and a decent job. I have my life together, right? Not quite, but I have learned some important lessons in my 20 years...
1. No one cares what you look like, except for you.
Life became so much easier once this became apparent. Remember in middle school when you over-analyzed every aspect of your appearance, in hopes of impressing all of your peers? Truth is, they were doing the exact same thing, and couldn't be bothered with the huge pimple that erupted on your face overnight.
2. Your parents are (almost) always right.
While the know-it-all part of me hates to admit this, I know I need to give credit where credit is due. Whether it is suggesting to bring a sweatshirt because it might be cold or to leave behind the boy who hurt me, my parents have a pretty good streak of being right.
3. Electric appliances are not waterproof.
This one may seem obvious, but I feel it is a good personal reminder. Having ruined numerous cell phones, a laptop, and an iPhone through the unrelenting powers of liquids, it is a good thing to keep in the back of your mind. Is it really a good idea to have a glass of water sitting next to your brand new laptop?
4. Too much caffeine + not enough food = disaster.
Aren't caffeine jitters the worst? I find that if I drink too much coffee or soda and don't have enough food in my system, I begin to resemble the energizer bunny; productive, maybe, but pretty uncomfortable.
5. Self serve froyo shops are great, until you get to the register.
The first time I encountered one of these places, I thought all my prayers had been answered. I didn't realize how heavy the darn stuff was until I put that sucker on the scale, and the cashier told me I owed $11. I have now mastered the perfect ice cream to toppings ratio, without having to pay an exorbitant amount of money.
6. Social media is not the truth.
This one is still tough to keep in mind sometimes. It is important to remember that people only post the good times on things like Facebook and Instagram; their vacation pictures, selfies with friends, and statuses about getting a promotion at work. It's easy to think their lives must be perfect, but remember: they aren't posting about their bad days, breakups, or emotional breakdowns. Everyone has them!
7. The boy you are crying over isn't worth it.
Plain and simple. If he hurts you enough to make you cry, he isn't worth your time. You deserve better.
8. It is better to tell the truth than to cover something with a lie.
I hate being lied to. I would much rather someone tell me the truth, even if it hurts at first, than them lying to me and prolonging the situation.
9. Be a good student...especially at first.
Teachers are quick to realize if you are a good student or not, and they appreciate when you put forth a solid effort. If you start off strong, chances are you will have a little wiggle room come the end of the semester!
10. Spotify and Netflix are the greatest inventions of our generation.
Okay, maybe not the greatest, but they are pretty high up there. How did I live without having constant access to my favorite songs?!
11. It's all about balance.
Balancing salads with ice cream, homework with parties, friends with family; life is one big balancing act, and finding the "perfect" balance is all about trial and error. Luckily, nobody else has it quite figured out either.
12. Don't eat food off the floor.
This one comes from experience; the five-second-rule is a hoax. You can get sick from eating off the floor. Don't do it.
13. Keep your friends close, and your family closer.
Friends will be there when lovers won't, and family will be there in the absence of friends. These relationships are the ones that matter most; they are more than worth your time and effort.
14. Always wear sunscreen. Always.
"I never burn!" I boasted to my parents as I headed out for a full day on the beach (with not an ounce of sunscreen). Wrong. I couldn't move the next day, thanks to the seemingly second degree burns covering my entire body.
15. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Mistakes are the way we learn, and we will never know what we are missing unless we try. Besides, sometimes mistakes make for great stories!
16. Don't burn your bridges.
It's a small world. Everyone seems to know everyone, and you never know what cutting ties with someone could do to your future. Be the bigger person!
17. Know your worth.
You deserve to be around those who make you felt good about yourself. Surround yourself with those that build you up, not tear you down!
18. Don't judge a book, or person, by their cover.
Your immediate impression of a person is not always an accurate representation of them; one of my best friends is someone who I didn't think I would originally associate myself with. Don't be so quick to judge!
19. Chocolate makes everything better.
Do not underestimate the power of chocolate; it has the power to make nearly every situation better.
20. You are not alone.
Going through a difficult time is never easy, but knowing that you are not alone may provide some comfort. Everyone has their own personal struggles; reach out to those that could help you, or that you could help. No matter what hardship you are facing, it gets better!
Here's to you, 20!