It doesn't matter if you've been a vegetarian for 10 years or 10 days, there are some questions and statements that vegetarians will hear time and time again. Listed below are just a few of those things we'd love to stop hearing from herbivores everywhere.
1. "But how do you get your protein?"
Trust me, protein can be found in other foods. In fact, vegetarians are much more protein-conscious than the average meat eater, due to the fact that we have to work harder to get it into our diets.
2. "How much would I have to pay you to eat [insert any type of meat here]?"
As much as I'd love some cold, hard cash, I'm not willing to put a monetary value on my morals.
3. "Can you eat animal crackers? What about goldfish?"
You probably find this joke hilarious. In fact, you may think you're a genius for coming up with it. I hate to break it to you, but vegetarians across the globe have heard this joke... many, many times.
4. "Would you eat an animal if it was already dead, like roadkill?"
Would you eat roadkill? I didn't think so.
5. "The animal is already dead even if you're not eating it."
Supply and demand, my friends. Supply and demand.
6. "But how can you live without BACON?"
I can't speak for all vegetarians on this one, but let me tell you there has not been a single moment that I have missed bacon.
7. "You know you're not actually saving any animals by being a vegetarian, right?"
Each year, vegetarians save approximately 202 animals by not eating meat. You can calculate the specific amount you have saved here.
8. "What do you eat on Thanksgiving?"
Like most college students, I'll eat just about anything that I can get for free (if it's homemade, that's a bonus). The best part about Thanksgiving is the abundance of food, many of the options being vegetarian anyways. So I'll fill up on the sides and leave the turkey and gravy for everyone else.
9. "Don't you ever miss eating meat?"
Sometimes, it may seem more convenient to revert back to eating meat, but then I just remind myself of the reasons I decided to become a vegetarian in the first place. Lucky for me, it's fairly easy to eat a vegetarian diet in this day and age.
10. "When are you going to give up this phase?"
After ten years, I'm not likely to give it up now. To each their own.
11. "But vegetarian food is disgusting."
You're right, it looks pretty bad. You'd better save it all for me, just in case.
12. "Oh well, do what you want, but you're really missing out!"
Here's some advice for the next time you want to say any of the above phrases to a vegetarian: don't.