Louise Belcher from the show, Bob's Burgers, is debatably one of the most relatable characters on television today. Her sass, her openness, and her hilarious wit make the show incredibly enjoyable, and her one-liners can apply to so much in life. Check out these twelve Louise-isms and see how any college student can find comfort in relating to a bunny-ear-wearing nine-year-old girl.
When you realize you have four tests, two papers, and three quizzes in the next two days...
And you know it's going to be a rough week...
And the professor says the test worth 50% of your grade will be "easy."
When you walk in to class and the syllabus says, "no laptops or cell phones permitted."
When you leave for a big weekend out...
And when you check your bank account on Monday morning...
But you realize you're going to have to go to extreme measures to eat for the next week.
When you actually understand something in math class.
When that one girl in your class raises her hand to talk about her opinion on the topic...again...When you get stuck doing all the work in a group project.
When you go to your professor at the end of the semester begging for extra credit.
And when you start thinking about your future.