You're 18? Congratulations! You're officially an adult! 19? Eh, you're kinda relevant...not really though.
Here's 12 reasons being 19 is the most awkward age you will probably ever be:
1. You’re technically a teenager but you’re also technically an does that even make sense?
Just a friendly reminder that you haven’t beat teen pregnancy just yet!
2. Even though you look old enough to be given the alcohol menu at restaurants, you’re still TWO WHOLE YEARS away from turning 21.
3. Nothing cool happens when you turn 19.
At 15, you get your permit. 16, your license. 17, you can see an R-rated movie.18, you can vote and buy lottery tickets. 20, you’re officially out of your teens. And we all know what happens when you turn 21.
4. You feel like a confused, invincible adult, but when you say your age out loud, you sound so much younger.
19 years is not an accurate measurement of a number of adult things I actually do.
5. This one is a real thinker: what the heck are you supposed to wear?
Do you dress like an adult, like a woman? Or do you continue shopping in the junior’s section for clothes that are “super cute?”
6. In terms of college, you’re a “baby,” even though you’re “getting so old” according to your family.
“I can’t believe you’re already in college!” vs. “Wait, so you just started college?”
7. You feel like an adult, look like an adult, and (sometimes) act like an adult, so why are you still getting acne/breakouts?
I thought that was supposed to stop happening once you hit adulthood, and nothing is more adult that signing a lease for an apartment and buying your own stamps.
8. Your parents are still in charge of you more than you’d like them to be.
But I’ll still take ten bucks every once in a while (-:
9. Dating is...weird.
Are you supposed to be settling down, or fooling around? I’m confused someone please explain this.
10. You usually just round up and call yourself a 20-year-old, but someone is always there to call you out.
Sorry I shared that article on Facebook about being in your '20s. I won't do it again until I'm actually of age.
11. You may feel old, but at the same time, you’re terrified to officially grow up.
12. Whatever you may be doing with your life at this point, it’s probably acceptable.
Going out and partying every night? Cool. Have a full time job? Good for you. Stumbling around trying to figure out a major? That’s fine too.
Whether you like the complexity of your age or not, enjoy the unlimited freedom that comes along with being 19 while it lasts!