Though it seems like whenever you go to a family reunion and tell anyone that you're a psychology major, you end up being the butt of the joke, it's certainly more of an advanced major than most would assume.
Not only do psychology majors have the option to access career choices in the science world, but have equal opportunity to find work in an artistic and less structured environment as well. (I guess the jokes on whoever thinks psychology isn't a valid major).
But despite the hard work psych majors put into their degrees, they are known for having fun from time to time. So, here's twelve times psych majors did it better.
1. Setting an example for following the law, but having fun with it.

2. Knowing the importance of following orders.
3. Having the best pickup lines around.
4. Putting a classical twist on Hip-Hop.
5. They'll always be honest with you.
6. They know the struggle is real.
7.''When am I ever going to use this?" is never said.
8. They know the best places to eat.
9. And again with the pickup lines...
10. But don't forget about the comebacks.
11. They've got thick skin.
12. They don't just develop feelings.
So, keep on keeping on, psychology majors. There's nothing you Kant do.