Seeing as we are on the brink of the final hurray of the 2016 campaign election season(finally), I find it necessary to comment on the anxious feelings currently plaguing my campus. My peers seem generally concerned about which candidate to cast their ballot for, and, I have to admit, I am more than a little apprehensive myself. This is clearly not the average election season, and it's a shame that people are more politically engaged than ever before, but we have a less than appealing ballot to engage with. In order to combat the pre-voting jitters, I decided to borrow and tweak the rhyme scheme from Twas' the Night Before Christmasand create my own miniature poem inspired by the 2016 Election. I am not the best at rhyme schemes, so please take pity on my feeble attempt. Moreover, I hope it brings a little humor to your day. Do not fret the outcome of this election too much, there is always the 2020 election, am I right Kayne?
Twas' the night before voting and all through the states,
Not a party was sleeping, not knowing their fate.
Ballots were ready to be casted with care,
In the hopes our next president soon would be there.
Democrats were all nestled all snug in their beds,
Even if the polls showed they were not far ahead.
And Trump in his wig, and Clinton in pantsuit,
Were ready to lead despite ongoing lawsuits.
Way out in D.C. Obama paced with worry,
Who knew the elections would cause such a fury.
Had his wife Michelle been more open to campaign,
The whole country would be just a little more sane.
Now Hilary! Now Trump! Now Gary Johnson too!
On Republicans, Democrats, and Liberals too!
To the voting polls in PA, Texas and Maine!
Happy Election Day to all, I'll be in Spain!