'Twas the month of recruitment, when all through the hill
every sorority girl was stirring, getting ready for the thrill.
The letters were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that PNM's soon would be there.
The potential new members were nestled all snug in their hometowns,
while they vision of college and dancing with fraternity clowns.
And we wait and we work in order to get ready, the new girls are coming, we're tired of waiting already!
When through the hill there arose such a clatter,
Work week was in Progress, that's what was the matter.
Away to my social summer, It flew like a flash,
recruitment is coming soon, and I hope the new members don't clash.
The work week drug on, but recruitment is here
the burlap is in order and so is the sheer,
when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a long line of PNMs and Rho Gammas are near .
With little time, we must be so lively and quick,
We have to show them that our home is their new fix.
More nervous than ever, their fresh faces they came,
and our recruitment chair whistled, shouted and called us by name:
"Now floaters! Now pick up!
Now, stacks and skits!
Do not mess up or you'll be on my shit list!
Sell our brand!
Try not to fall!
Now chant away! chant away!
chant away all!"
As potential new members that before have never seen our house,
we work to impress them, and show them about.
So when they leave, they'll soar they'll fly,
they'll leave wanting to be an Alpha Chi (or whatever works for you #panpride).
While they're here in a twinkling tone,
we can reassure them that they'll never be alone.
This sisterhood is real, this sisterhood is strong,
if you want another house, you're doing it wrong.
They are dressed in their Panhellenic T-shirts, looking their best from head to foot,
and ready to brag about themselves, like they rightfully should.
A sparkle, a wonder gleam in their eyes,
and I look at them and want to cry.
Their eyes--how they twinkled! their dimples, how merry!
their cheeks were like roses, their lips like a cherry!
Then remember that I once was here,
and this house changed me for the best in just one year.
The sisterhood, the friendships, the loyalty, the bond,
they deserve something like this, we would never do them wrong.
So I recruit and I smile until my cheeks hurt,
we laugh, and we hug, and I want to be her.
She gets four more years, and she gets this house,
and I wish I could do it all again for myself.
A wink of her eye, and a long good bye hug,
If she doesn't show up on bid day, she might be on drugs (haha kidding, but not).
The party ends and we spoke not a word, but went straight to our groups,
trying to not sound like a herd.
And we wait for the next party to do it again,
and we bitch silently about the work, but we don't want this time to end.
We think to ourselves, "Our house is our home, and our sisters are dear,
this is for life, not just four years."
At the end of the day, we recruit what we can, and on bid day we take our new sister's
The recruitment Gods come through, and you can't see a sight, but you might hear:
" Happy Recruitment to all, and to all a good night!"