Twas’ the night before election day, when all through the country,
not a creature was stirring, not even the House.
The polls had been open and guarded with care.
Contrary to popular belief things were pretty fair.
The candidates tried sleeping but probably stayed up all night instead.
When the White House is in sight you have to plan ahead.
FLOTUS and POTUS try to not to be a sap,
Because eight years later his presidency is a wrap.
When out on the debate stage there lacked witty banter,
And believe us there was absolutely no American glamour.
Three debates later and I am shedding some tears,
Would Washington and Lincoln be proud of what they'd hear?
Facebook comments and stories teach me to go with the flow,
But every once in awhile it's time to unfriend and just say oh no.
People's opinions don't scare me they just leave me unclear,
And sometimes wondering if we live in the same hemisphere.
First time voters and veterans are feeling quite sick.
This election sure is not a simple pick.
With candidates so quick to defame.
The election has taken on a lot of nicknames:
Now Little Marco! Now Lyin Ted!
Now, Crazy Bernie if you felt the Bern Instead!
On, Low Energy Jeb! On, Crooked Hilary!
On, Nasty women and names for people who made him jittery!
From the shattering of the class ceiling like a homerun baseball,
To immigration reform that comes by the building of a wall!
The people now run away! Run away!
Run away all!
When they go low we go high,
With emails and Benghazi Hillary has really had to try.
She created a scandal by simply getting pneumonia, who knew?
That was all the media needed a candidate to do.
And then, we have D.Trump, with unsubstantiated “proof”,
Being the center of many comedians sketches and spoofs.
He behaves as a monarch awaiting to be crowned,
By using language that is not found.
We were given a stir from the day his name was input.
Is this genius American experiment simply kapoot?
Or is American Democracy out of whack,
Like a train chugging down the wrong track.
What will an election be without hot button issues-a many,
Ranging from terrorism to education and the emails of Hillary.
How can we defeat ISIS? if you know please send us a memo.
In the meantime our teachers, students, and schools have been in limbo.
In 2008, the recession had the economy holding on by the skin of its teeth,
Yet in 2016 we have come out from underneath.
The answer to our question is one we will soon see.
Who did the people find best to rule our great country.
Should we say we “I am with her?” knowing to whom it pertains,
Shamelessly supporting Clinton and Tim Kaine.
Or Shout out “Make America Great Again?” knowing it can make a situation tense,
Sharing our support for The Trump and his man Mike Pence
Poll numbers have each candidate coming out of the woodwork.
Prediction methods similar to those in fantasy football make our brain’s work.
As reality television, shows,
We never know who will get America’s final rose.
After 597 days and a long fought battle,
Tomorrow democracy will ring louder than a baby’s rattle,
To Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike,
" Happy Election Day to all, and to all a good night!"