'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was praying, not all through the house.
The stockings were slung up without care,
In hopes in the morning, presents would be there.
The millennials are all snuggled up in their beds,
while computers and phone screens put images in their heads.
Their parents are all busy counting sheep,
while the kids binge-watch Netflix until they fall asleep.
The excitement of Christmas was no longer there,
it seemed as though not one had a care.
The presents are piled up under the tree
while the kids in their bed expect more than two or three.
Christmas day finally came, and everyone slept in.
Not one thought of Jesus even crept in.
"It's the most wonderful time of the year" people would say,
but now it feels like a normal day.
Everyone got what they wanted, but still somehow complained.
Guilty of this, even I am ashamed.
Smiles were brief and quickly disappeared,
while phones and tv soon reappeared.
So maybe it's time for a change in our hearts,
Say "Happy Birthday" to Jesus, we know where to start.
Take it back to the love we once had before,
because we were meant to live for so much more.
So this Christmas let's not make things "all about you",
but give back to the One we know to be true.
Just slow down and take a look at this season,
and remember that He is the real reason.