What TV Show Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
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What TV Show Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

These shows are just some of the many that fit the personality of each zodiac sign.

What TV Show Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

One of the best parts of having zodiac signs is comparing them to miscellaneous objects we see everyday. Here's what TV show you are based on your zodiac sign.

1. Aries: "Quantico"

"Quantico" stars a powerful female lead role, and Aries contain that same personality. They are driven people who know what they want and will not give up to reach their goals, much like the characters in "Quantico." Their strong personalities allow them to get to the top while making sacrifices, so "Quantico" will be a very relatable show.

2. Taurus: "Riverdale"

The characters of the "Archie" comics come to life in the show "Riverdale," a dark twist on the famous Archie, Betty, Veronica and other people of the town of Riverdale. Taureans are adventurous and clever, just like Archie and the gang. Taureans will like this show revolving around a murder that breaks apart the town and the drama that comes with it.

3. Gemini: "iZombie"

At first, "iZombie" might seem much different than a Gemini's personality traits, but when Liv has the ability to see others' memories, it seems like she owns two personalities momentarily. Gemini's have a trademark association to having two sides or faces, and in "iZombie," Liv has to face that realization in her personal life. Also, as someone with such a great power, Liv can figure out a situation by putting the pieces together like Geminis do.

4. Cancer: "Dr. Phil"

If you're a Cancer, then chances are that you're a good listener. Who else listens to others really well? Dr. Phil does on his show "Dr. Phil!" Every episode is a different person with their own story, and you being a person who understands others very well makes you a good mediator. Cancers can also have a sense of humor that includes sarcasm, much like Dr. Phil.

5. Leo: "Full House"

"Full House" is a classic show about a large family living in one home over the years. It's a show that the whole family would love to watch because of the lesson each episode shares. Leos are emotional people and make decisions based on how they feel, and "Full House" is a very emotion-filled show. Leos are also filled with love for others, and this show has more love than any other.

6. Virgo: "House"

For generally analytical people, this is the perfect show that fits their personality. Many times, Virgos can be so analytical that they find the smallest of details that lead to the best of solutions, just like Dr. House in the show. "House" takes place in a hospital where the doctors spend their time dealing with interesting patients and never-ending personal drama, and Virgos sometimes can relate to balancing their personal lives with their workload.

7. Libra: "The Simpsons"

If you don't know what "The Simpsons" is, you have to watch it as soon as possible. It is the oldest-running sitcom show, and its jokes and lines are unforgettable. Libras are outgoing people who tend to be very active, and Springfield, Illinois, where the show takes place, is nothing short of active. There is always another problem being caused and another episode full of iconic moments.

8. Scorpio: "Parks and Recreation"

When it comes to comedies, "Park and Recreation" is one of the best out there. The characters each lead their own lives, and each joke is better than the one before. Scorpios are accomplished people who are also very humorous, but their jokes consist of lots of sarcasm and dry humor. "Parks and Recreation" is a great show for any Scorpio to watch, and fans of "The Office" will especially enjoy it.

9. Sagittarius: "Property Brothers"

"Property Brothers" stars Drew and Jonathan Scott, brothers who take abandoned and unappealing houses and turn them into new and beautiful homes. If you're a Sagittarius, you almost always see the bright side in situations. Just like the brothers in the show, you are willing to put in effort to create a solution for an impossible problem. That type of thinking leads you to more places than you know.

10. Capricorn: "Doctor Who"

Capricorns are known as one of the smartest zodiac signs, but it's not their only admirable trait. They are also natural-born leaders who know exactly what they want to accomplish in the future. "Doctor Who" is a complex British TV show that stars an alien who goes by "The Doctor." Capricorns can relate to the show because The Doctor's clever thinking means that the plots are amazing for each episode.

11. Aquarius: "Stranger Things"

In 2016, "Stranger Things" was one of the most popular shows, and its plot is pretty interesting. Aquarians are extremely social people, and the show is all about the power of coming together to fight evil. If you are an Aquarius and haven't seen the show yet, you'll really like it. Friendship is important to the children in the show, and having a strong group of friends is something that Aquarians consider necessary in life.

12. Pisces: "Black Mirror"

"Black Mirror" is purely based off imagination for how the future could be if technology took over people's lives more than it already has, and if you're a Pisces, you love anything having to do with imagination. This is the perfect show because it explores possibilities that a Pisces would enjoy watching. The imagination brings forth great ideas that have shaped the world already so far, so who knows how many episodes of "Black Mirror" could come true.

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