Over the years I have seen many, and I mean MANY shows. Although yes, I am a sucker for movies sometimes I really like sitting down and binge watching a good show. That is why I prefer Netflix over regular TV. Here is a list of some of my all time favorite shows, feel free to take any of my suggestions!
1. Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl is one of my all-time favorite shows. It is six seasons long and is about a bunch of rich teenagers living in NYC. However, there is a catch, there is crime, romance and a terrible blog that goes by the name of "Gossip Girl" that digs into everyone's business and causes several problems. This is a must see on my list and trust me, the show is much better than my crappy description.
2. Drake & Josh
This is a really old favorite, I haven't watched this show in years. But it's a childhood favorite about two brothers who do crazy things and are extremely funny. If this TV show was not in your childhood, we can't be friends (jk) or am I...?
3. Glee
I was late to the game when I watched Glee, I was about 16-17 years old. The show is basically about a group of people singing, but it's really good. I think that the singers are good and honestly I was watching the first couple of seasons and I was thinking about how the actor for Finn Hudson, Cory Monteith had passed away. It made me really sad to watch this show knowing one of the actors was actually not even alive. Regardless this show brought me a lot of joy and simply relating to all the stuff that these people went through in high school.
4. Hart of Dixie
I LOVE THIS SHOW. When I say I love this show as much as I love the Vampire Diaries, That is saying something, because the Vampire Diaries is my #1. This show is about a doctor who moves to a small town down south to work for her deceased fathers practice. But like I always say, there is so much more than my crappy description! If you are a county girl at heart like me, you will love this show.
5. One Tree Hill ![]()
Another favorite show of mine. I am still watching it now, I am on the final season, which is season 9. This show is about two brothers who both play basketball. It about these brothers finding love, friendship, and family. And it follows them up until they have families of their own. Another show I really recommend.
6. Friends ![]()
I think if I were to choose my top three shows, I would probably say: Friends, Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill/Hart of Dixie (sorry I couldn't choose one or the other, it just had to be a tie lol). Friends is one of those super relaxed funny sitcom that makes you laugh, and I mean laugh out loud sort of laughing. Whenever you are having a bad day, seriously turn on this show and it will instantly cheer you up.
7. The Vampire Diaries
8. Spongebob Squarepants
Spongebob, just like Drake & Josh it's an old childhood favorite that I hope everyone has watched at this point. I will be honest, sometimes when there is nothing on TV and Spongebob is on I will watch it lol.
These are my top eight shows that I love. I hope that if you haven't seen any of these shows you take the time to check them out! When I did, I defintly did not regreat it.