For many of us, the phrase "TV is life" often stands very true. Especially if we're doing a marathon to catch up when we've fallen behind on a season or to re-watch an old favorite, or binge-watching a new one. The tough part is, TV might be life, but it often features death. Getting over the death of a favorite TV show character is something that basically just doesn't happen. Your heart will never stop breaking a little every time you remember they died, and saying their name in front of a friend who's also seen the show inevitably leads to mutual pouts or exclaims of eternal denial.
So here is a list of some TV show characters we will always mourn.
Be warned, spoilers ahead for the following shows: "LOST," "Teen Wolf," "The Walking Dead," "Grey's Anatomy," "Game of Thrones," "The O.C.," "The Wire" and "American Horror Story."
1. Charlie Pace, "LOST"
From a hopeless drug addict to one of the sweetest characters on the show, Charlie will always have such a special place in our hearts.
2. Khal Drogo, "Game of Thrones"
Our Moon and Stars...
3. Allison Argent, "Teen Wolf"
Words cannot express the pain of losing this incredible character.
4. Hershel Greene, "The Walking Dead"
5. Misty Day, "American Horror Story"
And don't forget, she's still in hell...
6. Omar Little, "The Wire"
7. Lori Grimes
8. Renly Baratheon
9. George O'Malley, "Grey's Anatomy"
10. Violet Harmon, "American Horror Story"
11. Noah, "The Walking Dead"
12. Marissa Cooper, "The O.C."
Here's to staying strong and keeping these wonderful characters in our memories!