Do you ever feel like you’ve watched every possible show left on Netflix? You search far and wide for the one show you have yet to binge, the one you are sure is going to change your life. You ask your friends and all they can recommend is shows you’ve seen before or shows you don’t want to watch. Fear not! Here is your one-stop shop for the best show you have yet to watch. Get ready to binge.
1. If you like "Gilmore Girls," watch "Parenthood."
This show focuses on four siblings and their lives in their hometown. “Parenthood” addresses all the drama of family, with humor and heart. It also stars Lauren Graham, who of course played Lorelai on “Gilmore Girls.” The show was created by the people who brought you “Friday Night Lights,” so it is guaranteed to make you laugh and cry and probably do both at the same time.
2. If you like “The Office” or “Parks and Recreation,” watch “Community.”
The lesser-known NBC sitcom packs the same amount of laughs and strange lovable characters into the same 30 minute timeframe. “Community” only ran for a few seasons, due to its more lowbrow status, but is truly an underrated gem. The spitfire dialogue and hilarity that ensues at a community college will make you wish you had more seasons to devour.
3. If you finally finished “One Tree Hill" and want more high school drama, try "Friday Night Lights."
"One Tree Hill" may have kept you occupied for a long time. You watched Haley and Nathan grow up and saw your favorite Tree Hill residents follow their dreams and accomplish all they intended to. In the aftermath of your favorite high schoolers graduating and starting their own families, you may be feeling a bit like an empty nester. The best solution? Move to Dillon, Texas and meet a new batch of kids with the same problems every other 16-year-old faces. "Friday Night Lights" has the same amount of heart, drama, and excitement that will fill the Scott brother-sized hole in your heart.
4. If you love “Dexter,” watch “The Blacklist.”
What makes "Dexter" so unique is the characteristics of the serial killer you want to hate. Dexter is so charming and his relationship with his family make him so easy to root for. You may find it difficult to find another show with the same plot and a likable villain. Look no further, because Raymond Reddington is of a similar breed. Reddington, or Red, works alongside the FBI to take down the worst and weirdest murderers around the world. Red is a shady guy but his sharp wit and loyalty to Agent Keen make him fun to watch and easy to root for.
5. If you crave more political drama like “House of Cards,” check out “The West Wing.”
Before season 5 of "House of Cards" premieres, take a break from the excitement and tension of Frank Underwood's life and go back to simpler times. "The West Wing" packs the same amount of excitement as "House of Cards" but follows a larger group of hard-working individuals. While both shows focus on the crazy world of politics, "The West Wing" follows a more diverse group of individuals and their specialties as the president's cabinet.
6. If you want more “Stranger Things,” watch “The X Files.”
If you're like me, you plowed through "Stranger Things" in less than a week. The second season has been announced, but the wait will be long. In the meantime, "The X Files" will fill the hole in your Eleven-loving heart. Focusing on two FBI agents investigating otherworldly oddities, "The X Files" has the same amount of spooky experiences, comedic breaks, and interesting characters as "Stranger Things." With 9 seasons to binge watch and a recent revival season as well, this will tide you over until the second season of "Stranger Things" hits Netflix.
7. If you miss “Breaking Bad,” try “Narcos.”
"Breaking Bad" is and will always be one of the best shows ever. Since it's finale, many people have been feeling the weight of the loss of a series that had deep characters, a groundbreaking plot and sharp dialogue. "Narcos" is a newer show of a similar breed, with twists and turns and insanity only matched by "Breaking Bad." While it can never match the latter's cultural implications, it does well to shock and entertain.
8. If you like “Jessica Jones”, watch “Veronica Mars.”
Again, Netflix fed the addiction by releasing a whole season at once. Season one of "Jessica Jones" was something inventive and new in the world of television. While viewers wait eagerly for the second season starring the badass female protagonists, they can go back and watch an original badass, "Veronica Mars."