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5 TV Characters I Would Totally Grab A Drink With

I just wish they were actually real.

5 TV Characters I Would Totally Grab A Drink With

Television is full of all sorts of different characters these days. After all, we do live in the golden age of television. I think I heard someone say that once. TV fans love watching all of their favorite characters appear onscreen, and some characters on television seem like they may even be fun to hang out with in real life. Not all of them, however. For example, Michael Scott is hilarious to watch on "The Office," but he would be incredibly obnoxious if you actually knew him. However, there are also many characters that are not only entertaining in their shows but also seem like interesting people if you were to actually know them. If they existed in real life, of course. So, here are five television characters that I would love to actually meet, characters that I would, like, totally grab a drink with.

1. Dexter Morgan


The series "Dexter" features a main character who is a blood-spatter analyst by day and a serial killer who only kills other serial killers by night. I mean sure, Dexter is a murderer, but I would definitely go grab a beer with him if I ever got the chance. He's a fascinating character to watch on-screen, so I would definitely go slug back a few beers with him at a local bar.

2. Walter White


"Breaking Bad" will always be, in my opinion, one of the best television shows of all time. It's incredibly well-acted, superbly written, and features an amazing character transformation by the protagonist, Walter White, throughout the series. He goes from a family man and high school chemistry teacher to a murderous drug lord, one of the best character arcs I have ever seen. So, naturally, I would totally go grab a beer with him and talk about what it was like to undergo such a remarkable character transformation.

3. Don Draper


Another of TV's best shows ever, "Mad Men" tells the story of a New York advertising agency in the 1960s, focusing on the business of the agency as well as the personal lives of the people who work there. The main character, Don Draper, is a complicated, tormented individual, who never quite seems to be who he says he is. But, I would definitely grab a drink with him, and they seem to constantly be drinking on that show anyway, so I'm sure he would agree to it.

4. BoJack Horseman


I'm not really a big fan of most animated shows, but "BoJack Horseman" really sticks with me for some reason. It's a show about a talking horse named BoJack who lives in a world where humans and talking animals coexist, but it captures things like depression and self-destructive behavior in a such a realistic way that sometimes it seems almost too relatable. BoJack is essentially an alcoholic, so If I went to grab a drink with him it would probably just encourage that sort of behavior, but I couldn't just refuse to grab a drink with him. I mean, he's BoJack Horseman.

5. Jim Halpert


Just like Michael Scott from "The Office" seems like a terrible individual to know in real life, his employee, and eventual co-manager, Jim Halpert, seems like the exact opposite. If Jim were a real person, I'm pretty sure he and I would be best friends, so I would definitely grab a beer with him. He's clever, witty, and always seems to look at the camera at the perfect time for maximum comedic effect. "The Office" is easily one of the funniest shows of all time, with a whole load of great characters. Jim would be on the top of my list if I could meet them, and Michael would, of course, be on the bottom.

There are just so many characters on television nowadays, but these are five that I think would be genuinely fun or interesting to know in real life. But, sadly, these are fictional characters portrayed by real-life actors, and I doubt that any of the actors who play these characters would be nearly as much fun to know in real life as the characters themselves. However, if I ever do get the chance to grab a drink with Michael C. Hall, Bryan Cranston, Jon Hamm, Will Arnett, John Krasinski, or Steve Carell, then I would definitely do it.

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