Traditions show that women are to do after a man. Although this has been played into practice for generation, both genders have had their thoughts on how the tradition should be changed. From opening car doors to paying for the meal on a first date, women feel entitled to have a man do everything for them as they just sit in watch. Now, chivalry is not dead and this should not be considered as something that men should not want to do but, where is the rule book that says all men must be the breadwinners in the relationship and the ones that hold the strings financially?
Relationships have failed because of the on going misinterpretation that, all men should be the holders of chivalry and finance. Many women feel the need to be independent and making their own ground to stand on before finding someone to hold the other end of the bargain or, become the leader of the pack. By the time most women develop their own to feet to stand on they no longer want or have the need for long term companionship with a man. Society has made it clear that being a woman is harder than it is to be a man from unequal pay to who orders during dinner.
Reaching back to the early 1900s, women were pictured as the one’s who kept the house clean and the one’s who raised the children while the men did the heavy lifting. Also, many foreign traditions leave the women for last and the men to be praised by the women. For example, men eating first and then women eating last or whatever is left over. The most important thing is missed when tradition is being followed, without women the wheels stop spinning. This meaning the necessities of life are dependent on women such as, food, water, and bearing children.
Men should be held to a certain standard to act a certain way just as women are. Although they are the “bread winners” they are not doing anything a woman is not capable of doing herself. Tradition is good and should not be done the correct way but, a change in how tradition is viewed should be looked at as well when using such actions during the era that stands.