Hello, one and all. Today is one of those "Do Nothing" days for me, I suppose. Lately, I've been having trouble finding the inspiration to do what I normally do–create. I mean, I must've found some inspiration just now to write from absolute boredom; but I've been wanting to do so much more. You know those days when you want to do anything and everything that the world offers you, but you can't seem to find the motivation to actually get up and do it? Yeah, that's today for me. But hopefully, after writing this list, I'll get out there, go to the gym, and paint something incredible. Sometimes all it takes is a quick read through of a list to get you going!
1. Focus on what you want
Sometimes you have an urge to do SOMETHING, but you just don't know what. Time to pop a squat and really think about what you WANT to do on this free day of yours.
2. End all distractions
I know, it's way easier said than done, but PUT DOWN THAT PHONE! If you're dying to go to the park, or get some coffee with a friend, or (I don't even know) go ride your bike, but you keep getting sucked into the virtual world, find the will power to just TURN IT OFF. Take a break for a while. Your eyes and your mind will thank you.
3. Manage your time
Ah yes, the biggest obstacle there is–TIME. If you're on a schedule, but you have some free time to yourself, there's simply not a minute to waste. Do what you have to do, and dedicate the rest of your day to that project you've been meaning to start for the longest time, or that event you wanted to attend, or whatever the case may be.
4. DO
The simplest step, yet sometimes, the most difficult. Do you want to spend your entire day just lounging around? No? THEN MAKE SOMETHING OF THE DAY! :D
That's all I really got for today. See? I've inspired myself to be proactive. I hope I've done the same for you!