Turn On The Olympics | The Odyssey Online
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Turn On The Olympics

The Olympic Games provide hope in the midst of turmoil.

Turn On The Olympics
Chris McGrath/Getty Images

Every four years, the summer Olympic Games are held. And it's great, every time.

Because amidst any pain and suffering, we have the opportunity to come together and witness greatness.

With the horror that can sometimes be found in this world, we need the Olympics.

Even for people who don't like sports, the Olympics have a special effect. It unites people behind the best athletes in the world. One nation simultaneously rooting for one team has a beautiful quality to it.

Whether you're watching Katie Ledecky smash her own world records, Usain Bolt run out of his shoes, Simone Biles defying the laws of gravity or Alex Morgan dance around defenders, you're focused on hope.

The ultimate goal is a gold medal and glory, but even for those who don't medal, the accomplishment is huge, and the hope is real. The athletes at the Olympics are the best of the elite, and making it to the Games is a reward in itself, medal or not.

Not everyone will win a medal. It can be heartbreaking, but that is just sports. Losing doesn't make the process any less worth it. It hurts to lose, but a loss doesn't knock you out of the game completely. It makes you fight back even harder.

These athletes have been training for years just to get themselves to this moment, and they'll lay everything they have out in order to succeed and bring glory to their country. And if they don't make the cut, they'll grit their teeth and get ready for Tokyo in 2020.

That much dedication is inspiring. I get chills watching athletes lay it all out on the line and competing for their country. It gives me goose bumps to watch the athletes standing on the podium, eyes on their flags, singing their national anthems.

That's what our world needs right now.

It's important to stay connected to what's happening in the world, but for the month of August, take a break. Maybe turn off the news for a little while, and turn on the Olympics.

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