With the Thanksgiving break coming to a close, our minds will be drifting from good ‘ole home cooking to paper and exams. I’m sure you’re not ready to let go of the beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lamb, rams, hogs, dogs, chicken, turkeys -- thank you Shirley Caeser for the wake up call from dining hall food. But are you ready for FAFSA? Yes, it’s that dreaded time of the year when the attorney in us all comes out to battle with the financial aid office. This year there will be changes to the FAFSA, here’s what you need to know:
First things first, the FAFSA website is: https://fafsa.ed.gov. (Yes, that still needs to be clarified.)
Starting this year, FAFSA applications will open on October 1st every year which means that you can start your financial aid journey up to three to four months before most schools have FAFSA deadlines -- “YAY!!!!”
If you’re applying for aid from July 2017 to June 2018 you will use your income taxes from 2015 and can submit your application until June 30, 2018. But don’t delay! No one wants to be in the financial aid office a week before classes begin finding out you have to pay more than you have saved.
If your family’s income has decreased since 2015, you must still submit your 2015 income tax information on your FAFSA application. HOWEVER, after you submit your application, you may contact your institution’s financial aid office to discuss this change.
You will not need to update your FAFSA application once you have filed your 2016 taxes...ONLY your 2015 taxes are required for 2017-2018.
FAFSA season is among us, don’t be the one left in the dust. For further information please refer to: https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/about/announcements/f....
I hope your turkey was juicy, your cauliflower well seasoned, that your pumpkin pie captured the essence of Patti LaBelle and the family political debates were brief! Welcome back to college!