Turia Pitt and Michael Hoskin's are a recently engaged couple who are pulling at the heart strings of many Americans - but why?
Turia Pitt is an Australian mining engineer, burn survivor, motivational speaker, and author. Turia was trapped in a bushfire during an ultramarathon in 2011. At 24 years old, her fighting heart and will to survive were the only things that brought her through this tragic experience. Michael Hoskins stood by her for every second. Not only did he stay with her, but he also called her beautiful.
Michael and Turia have known each other since high school, and Michael says that he knew from early on that Turia was for him. Four years ago, Michael passed the test of true love with flying colors. He stood beside Turia during her many months of intensive care, facial reconstruction, and rehabilitation. However, Michael was doing much more than just being supportive.
Michael was also ring shopping. Turia miraculously pulled through the operations and is now alive and well. After facial reconstruction surgery, many men would not have been able to handle the stress and pressure of the huge change, but Michael looked at the situation completely different. He told CNN during an interview, "I married her for her soul, her character, and she is the only woman who will continue to fulfill my dreams."
Recently, Michael Hoskins asked for Turia's hand in marriage, with the ring he bought during her intensive care stay four years ago. He describes Turia not as alive, but full of life.