My alarm went off at 6:30, nearly 45 minutes earlier than any other day. Although I'm the one who set the alarm because I needed to shower, it was just setting up the rest of the day to be horrible. I showered, washed my face, brushed my teeth and was starting getting ready for the day. I looked in the mirror and for no reason just disgusted with myself. I was bloated, my hair was doing something of it's own. Basically, I just wanted to stay in my room where no one could see me. But because my fear of failure is very real, I grabbed my backpack and went to class...
As I walked into the academic building, I got 2 stairs up until I somehow, fell down. I spilled my boiling coffee on all over myself, all over the stairs, and most importantly all over my bagel. People stopped and laughed, (I probably would've done the same thing). If I'm being honest, I wanted to just stay down and not get up. My roommate looked at me and said "come on!" So I scraped myself off the stairs and proceeded to walk with coffee all over my partial white shirt. After my 8 am class, I went back to my room and changed (obviously). I started my Keurig to start making even more coffee. In the midst of changing shirts, I heard this weird noise. I walked back over and realized I never placed my mug under the coffee maker.. At this point, I wanted to throw something out of frustration.
I arrive at my next class without complications, surprisingly.. I tell the other girls at my table how horrible my morning has been. One says, "I know buddy, I saw you fall up the stairs this morning". Embarrassed, I tried to change the subject immediately. This class is an advanced psych class and I freaking love it. My professor asks a question (that I should obviously know), and I raise my hand and answer it wrong. This sounds horrible, but another kid answers it right and my pride instantly kicks in. I start thinking "I'm suppose to be better than him, what is wrong with me?" At this point, I'm on the verge of tears because everything just seems to add up.
After work (which also had no problems, thank Jesus!), Shane and I are on our way to go on a bike ride. It's a beautiful day outside and I'm with Shane, so this was definitely a mood-lifter. We get to the bike rack and Shane realizes that my bike has not only one flat tire, but TWO! We compromise, I'll walk and Shane will slowly ride his long board next to me. As we're walking down the trails, my mind thinks it's a great idea to try to long board. I hop on, Shane's holding on to my hip and I'm holding onto his shoulder for safety. We begin to start going down hill, at this point I am picking up some serious speed. Shane's running next to me, trying to keep up but we separate and I'm on my own. I don't know what the heck was going on in my mind, but the speed was trying to scary. My initial response is to jump off onto the paved trail. I try to jump off, but it was more of a fall. Shane comes running up to me as I'm laying on the ground. My hands, shoulder and leg is all scraped up and my phone case scraped up causing it to lose some color. Shane picks me off the ground, and we begin to walk away.
Shane then says,"Let's go get some icecream, my treat" So we went down to the lake and ordered some ice cream. I wish this wasn't the highlight of my day, but it was. I love, love, love ice cream but the fact nothing went wrong is why is was my highlight.
Please share your bad day stories with me, because you can't have good days without bad days, right??