In the world today, people have become so much more critical of their appearances. It Is so much harder to love yourself, and if you do love yourself you are viewed as self-centered. Since when did loving yourself become a negative aspect? After all the only person you have at the end of yourself. If you don't love yourself you will never feel like you are capable of being loved because you will think other people see you the way you see yourself. Which is a shame because you are so worth loving.
I know what you are probably thinking, I am just not as pretty, smart, or interesting as the other people my age. Well, guess what. No one is going to display his or her low points on social media or their bad pictures. Our generation has become so accustomed to comparing our bad days to someone else good ones that we don't realize how amazing we actually are. Someone else may be thinking the exact same thing about you. When you look in the mirror you aren't going to point everything about yourself that looks amazing, because that's just not what people do.
You will notice every little detail and quirk that you hate. What you need to realize is that these little things are what make you unique and special. Something you hate someone else may admire about you. You don't see yourself at your happiest moments when you are carefree and in love with just living. No one else notices those tint things you hate about yourself because they are too busy focusing on the big things that make you who you are.
Once you stop looking at yourself in a negative way then your whole aspect of life will change. Life is too short to hate yourself. It's too short to not do certain things because you're scared of how you're going to look or that people will judge you. Loving yourself is the key to enjoying life. Loving yourself does not always mean looking in the mirror and being okay with everything in the reflection. Loving yourself is looking in the mirror seeing your flaws and being okay with them. Loving yourself is accepting that you are still perfect even with your flaws. Your flaws are what make you perfect.