I'm not going to lie--I'm overweight.
I'm not going to sugar coat it or say that being "fat" is "okay." Being labeled as the "fat girl" has changed my outlook on life…probably forever. It is something I have struggled with since I was a kid. I've tried to fix it, tried to lose weight, tried basically everything. I never had enough motivation, BUT, now, I do.
I was in a relationship for over a year, with someone I love so, so much. We sadly came to an end so we could both grow as individuals. This is what motivated me. Even though my weight wasn't a huge issue, it played a part--and he and I both knew it.
I started telling myself every day that I am beautiful, worthy, and happy. I did more and more Self Care days. I made sure I was always going to class and finishing my assignments. I realized that being alone isn't that bad. I found new hobbies and revisited my old ones. I started meeting new people. And I think the most important thing was that I started to work out more and more and found my love for Yoga.
Breakups are hard, really hard, but more times than not- you find a new love. For some people, their new love is a person or hobby, but for me, my new love is, well, ME!
Every day is a new day to learn to love me. Every day can be a struggle but it's a struggle that's worth it. I'm seeing changes in myself that I've never seen! I am seeing changes in my personality, my weight, my looks, my outlook on life. I am learning every day and I am so thankful.
Trying to find yourself in a world you didn't quite know is pretty hard, especially when you are so used to having some beside you. But I have never been this excited and happy to learn about the world alone!