Trying something new can be an exciting and scary thing. For many people trying new things is something they do in their everyday life, but for others it is one of the biggest fears they have.
Some of the scariest things can be doing something out of your comfort zone. I never realized how much I didn’t expand my horizons until someone called me out on it. They told me that I fear change and fear what I don’t know. After a couple of days reflecting on what that person said about me I realized it was true. From that point on I knew I needed to start trying new things no matter what my anxiety or fears wanted. From that point, I had a new way of life. I started saying yes.
At the point that I made this resolution, I never knew how much it would change my life.
I changed my life about four years ago. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew I had to do it. I started with figuring out where this crazy fear of not trying new things started. I always knew that I did not like change, but I never realized that it would
Once I realized that I started thinking of ways that I would actually continue this new idea of living, so I created a blog. I assumed that if I started having “fans” seeing that they weren’t the only ones going through something that I would stick to it longer... Well, the blog didn’t last long.
Although the blog didn’t stick I am happy to say that the lifestyle did. Opening my mind is one of the most positive things that I have ever done in my life. In the past four years, I have experienced so many things that I would have never experienced before. I lived in a completely new place, have tried new foods, learned more about myself internally and made lifelong friends.
For those of you who are thinking of adopting this new lifestyle too, here are some tips.
You Don’t Have to Start Big.
Try something small first. You don’t want to shock your systems with trying something huge. My first small thing that I opened my mind to was different foods. I started trying new foods with my family. I can still remember what the first food (after my lifestyle change) was. It was a Swedish dessert. I was so hesitant until its delicious ingredients hit my taste buds.
Find Out Where Your Hesitance Comes From.
For me, it was my anxiety. My hesitance came from a fear of change. Try some peaceful meditation where you look into yourself and really try to find where it stems from for you.
It Will Be Hard.
Spending a significant amount of your life doing something one way means it is going to be hard to change your ways. Just try to think of the results, once things start to change you will become a happier healthier person. I know I did.
It Will Be Scary.
Remember being outside of your comfort zone is something everyone struggles with. It is okay to be scared to change something that you have been doing for so long. Always remember that you can talk about it or write about it. Doing this may help the fear seem insignificant.
I hope that everything I have said will give you the push to change your lifestyle too. If you do decide to join, do not forget to enjoy the ride.
In words of Franklin D Roosevelt, “But above all, try something.”