I didn't know about this challenge until I was on the depths of Youtube and saw many videos of girls completing it. I decided to start this challenge because (a) anybody can do something for only two weeks & (b) a boy said something rude about my body and I wanted to prove him wrong. If you want to see what it is- you can click here.
Day 1
So the first day, you complete the HIT workout and the Abs one. What I liked about this program: the HIT video is only 15 minutes and you only stay on one exercise for a max of 30 seconds. How simple is that? Also, she provides adaptations for those of us who have the knees of 60-year-old women (thank you, Chloe!) What don't I like? I guess the fact that I am weak and sometimes had to adapt workouts myself- especially the up and down planks. I usually just chose either up or down. However, I know that through this process I'm going to get stronger and stronger and the video is going to get easier and easier. I don't think change happens overnight, but I'm excited to see if my weight does anything differently. I also took before photos in hopes that there's an after photo!
Here's me after day 1!
Day 2
I'm not going to lie- I was sore from day 1. My abs and my arms hadn't been worked out like that in a long time, so there was some anticipation going into day 2. Was I going to get more sore? Will the workout be easier than the first day since I know what's coming? Day 2 is the exact same workout as day 1, and I'm not quite sure why that is- but maybe it's to get you used to the program...I'm not too sure. However, after completing the second day of workouts- I didn't find myself as tired as I had been after the first one. It was also easier since you have the advantage of knowing what's about to happen. I'm not going to lie- day 3 is going to be twice as difficult as today and I'm personally not ready.
Day 3
These workouts aren't getting easier per se, but more manageable for sure.
Day 4
Like the psychopath I am, I decided to do this workout in the morning before going to work. Listen. I'm not sure how you health freaks are so married to the game that you WILLINGLY get up at the crack of dawn to workout in the morning. If this is is what it's like to be healthy, this ain't it.
Day 5
Technically day 5 is supposed to be a rest day. Granted, I took 3 rest days. Do I regret it? Not at all. But, when I got back into it on "day 5" I did the HIT workout and the abs. What did I learn from that? I should never take 3 days off working out ever again.
Day 6
So, day 6 I got creative and decided that I needed more cardio in my life on top of the HIT, abs, and lower body burn. I decided to veer off of Chloe Ting for this cardio warm-up and go back to MadFit. What did I learn? I'm quite uncoordinated and dancing is not my calling. However, I had an absolute blast doing it and that's all that matters.
15 MIN DANCE PARTY WORKOUT - Full Body/No Equipmentyoutu.be
I'm sad to report that there was no day 7.
Actually, I'm not that sad. Quite frankly, as someone who's struggled with knee issues for my entire life, the extremely high-intensity workout every single day only tore at my joints. Was I sore in my muscles? For a few days, sure. However, the most pain I experienced was in my knees. My next fitness challenge is going to be signing up for Camp Gladiator. However, if you've finished the Chloe Ting challenge without knee pain, I'd love to hear how you did it!