Sometime during your life I'm sure someone has said, "Try something new!" or "Try something different!" I can say from personal experience, I thought it was stupid. Like I'm good at what I'm good at and I like what I like. Why do I need to try something new?
My whole life I've never been good at reading or writing. I actually failed my Language Arts class in 6th grade. It's just not one of my strong traits. But about six months ago I went on Facebook and my timeline was flooded with these wonderful articles written by what I thought were professionals. So many opinions, so many open letters. I loved them.
I've always been told that I'm opinionated, and that I have such a wild personality. I could probably be a TV personality. I really people to know me, like I want my name to well known. Those are just my goals. A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to try writing. Knowing I wasn't very good at it, I just felt like I had a lot of opinions and a relatable view point for a lot of people my age.
When I submitted my application to write for the Odyssey, I didn't expect much of anything to come out of it. I expected my mom article to maybe get five shares, from distant family members. I wanted my first article to be something I could've related to even if I didn't write it. I submitted it on a Thursday night and went about my weekend like usual. To my surprise, on Saturday morning when my article went live, I woke up to an overwhelming amount of shares and kind words under my article. People who I hadn't talking to since high school were sharing my article, posting about ME!
When I checked back at the end of the week to see that my article was shared over 600 times, I was in utter shock. How is it that, something I was told I wasn't good at my whole life, I'm suddenly good? I decided to try something new and something I didn't think I was good at. And as a result I found a new talent.
My advice to anyone in the world, is even if you don't think your good at it, or you're scared to try it. Just do it. You might fail, that's that facts. But you also might discover a new talent. You might discover you're true calling. Life is scary sometimes, but it's all about taking risks.