Lately I have been really stressed. At times, it feels like the whole world is against me whether it's all my assignments due at once, I get sick, injure myself (happens way too often), or I just have no motivation. In these times, I feel like absolutely nothing could go right. Then something wonderful happens.
One day, I received this adorable note in the mail. Something so simple, yet it made my whole day. It was exactly what I needed to hear! Total Holy Spirit moment (I'll probably write about what those are in the near future, so keep checking in). Anyway, back to the point. Do you ever take into consideration the positive outcome of the things that you do?
Random acts of kindness. Probably everyone has heard of them. But do we actually do them, or are they just something that you see other people do? Why not be one of those people?
This note probably meant way more to me than the person that sent it thought it would. It just goes to show that you never know the impact you may have on someone. We don't know everyone's stories and we may not know what they are going through at that moment. A little kindness can go a long way.
So why not make random acts of kindness a little less random? Make them frequent. Make them a daily habit. You could even plan them out. The smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water-it will make ripples throughout the pond. I encourage all of you to do at least one random act of kindness for someone this week. Kindness can be contagious and spread like wildfire. You never know, someone might just do a random act of kindness for you.
Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. That's all who ever have.