As a college student, I spend lots of time doing homework, completing assignments, and creating lesson plans. I often get caught up in my work and how much I have to do.
My mind is constantly checking off to do's on my to-do list and planning out when to do my next assignment. It is hard for me to enjoy myself, as I find myself in a constant state of stress, worry, and anxiety. I let my circumstances define who I am. In reality, what I should be doing is letting God define me.
Homework does not define you. Grades do not define who you are. Outwardly beauty does not define you. The amount of money you have does not define you. The amount of friends you have does not define you. Worldly things and materials do not define you.
God's everlasting love should define us. God tells us that we are wonderfully and fearfully made. God has created you for a purpose, and that purpose is loving and serving him.
God loved each and every one of us to give us his only son. God does not look at the grades you make, the money we earn, the hours in a work week we have slaved over, but God does look at is our kindness, our ability to love others, our faith in him, our trust in him when times are hard.
When we stop letting circumstances define who we are, we become a better version of ourselves — a version that God sees. Next time when you feel as if you are drowning in schoolwork or work in general stop and tell yourself that your grades and the amount of money you make do not define you.
You cannot take grades, money, or earthly treasures with you to heaven, so why not start living each day as if we are going to heaven and making it a priority to see ourselves the way God sees us.