13. Ice packs and heat packs are sent from heaven | The Odyssey Online
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14 Things People With Migraines Understand Too Well

No, it isn't just a really bad headache.

14 Things People With Migraines Understand Too Well

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1. "Just take some medicine."

Seriously, medicine does not help. No matter what we take or how much we take: MEDICINE. WILL. NOT. HELP.

2. Flashing lights are triggers

Driving behind an emergency vehicle, going to a concert, or even seeing lots of cameras with the flash on can be a real pain for people with migraines. The constant on and off of lights is not only annoying, but it also triggers migraines more often than not.

3. Darkness is necessary

When a migraine occurs, the eyes can become super sensitive and light feels like staring at the sun.

4. The tiniest of sounds is deadly

Just like light, the sound has to be nonexistent for people with migraines. The smallest of noises feel like nails on a chalkboard inside of your head.

5. People who compare their headaches to a migraine

Listen, we get it. You have never had a migraine before, but please try to understand that the pain of a migraine is beyond a "really bad headache."

6. Auras

This one is something that only a portion of migraine sufferers have. An aura is a sign that comes before a severe, chronic migraine that let these people know that one is coming on. Some aura havers see spots or other patterns, others feel a difference in their eyes or a tingling. Every aura haver is different and has to learn what their telling signs are.

7. You have literally tried everything

People with migraines become so desperate for help that every measure is taken. We have seen many neurologists, tried 15 different medicines, considered the Botox injections, gotten the daith piercings, and have essential oils laying around. Low and behold, everything is useless.

8. New neurologist visits are tiring

When you switch doctors, you have to redo all of your paperwork, talk about your history, tell them over and over where the pain is. It is such a tired routine.

9. Gum is out of the picture

As much as people love gum, sometimes, it is a trigger to constantly chew it, and people without migraines do not understand that.

10. People who have never had a migraine

Honestly, are you, like, the spawn of the devil? How are you so lucky?

11. Migraines drain you

When one comes on, migraine sufferers feel so drained of all energy. their face became blank, eyes droop, and they cannot bring themselves to even act okay.

12. Caffeine is a best friend

Putting a bit of caffeine in the body does help alleviate the pain, even before a migraine comes about.

13. Ice packs and heat packs are sent from heaven

taking a nap with one of the pain filled feels so amazing and can even subside pain a bit. Whether it is ice or heat, depends on the sufferer and what works best for them.

14. The weather definitely plays a part

The weather outside can have a huge impact on migraines as well. Days that are dry and hot are more likely to give someone a migraine than cold days.

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