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Don't Get Me Wrong, I Love My Hometown But Something Has Got To Give

The truths of small town living.

Julia Price

Every Hallmark movie ever portrays small town living as the most ideal situation. I love where I come from, and I will always be somewhere nearby, but I still have a few complaints that the media seems to leave out every time.

Everyone knows everyone and it's nerve-racking. I was so glad when I moved to a slightly bigger city just because I didn't have a clue who anyone was or where they came from, and they didn't know anything about me. When you live in a small town you get one rep and that's what you're known by for as long as you're there (and then some). You can make one mistake and you've got a bad name forever. I don't know about you, but to me, that doesn't seem too fair.

Everyone even thinks the same way! Everyone should be entitled to their own opinions, but instead, everyone listens to the way their parents believe, because that's the way that their parents believed, and so on and so forth. It's a never-ending cycle of shared, worn-out opinions.

Plus, there is literally nothing to do. My town has a gas station, an Amish store, a hardware store, and a dog groomer. We just recently opened up a Family Dollar, and to us, that's like we just got a mall put in town. When I moved to Lexington and started talking to other people about where I was from they were shocked at the fact that I have to travel 20 minutes to the next town for an eating establishment.

Like I said before, I love my town, and because my family is here I know that I will always be making appearances. I'm just glad that I have been luckier than others and have had the chance to get away for a while. Change is a good thing, and for me (even going just a couple hours away) this change was huge, but definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made.

To those of you considering escaping your town for a bit: do it! I promise you that there is more to life than the same small places, with the same people who all have the same opinions, and even if you want to come back it doesn't make you small-minded. It's just good to be given that chance and to have that experience.

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