14 Things Only People From Madison, Wisconsin Will Understand | The Odyssey Online
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14 Things Only People From Madison, Wisconsin Will Understand

77 square-miles surrounded by reality

14 Things Only People From Madison, Wisconsin Will Understand

You know you're from Madison, Wisconsin when...

1. You know what an “isthmus” is.

isthmus: a narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land.

It’s like a partial peninsula.

2. And, due to the isthmus (and Capitol Square,) you deeply understand (and hate) the diagonal, sideways, and one-way streets.Look at this layout. Driving is a damn nightmare in Madison.

3. Fifteen degrees is considered "chilly. “Cold” is zero degrees.Bring it, winter.

4.) You know that it is one’s best interests to avoid the topic of politics.This can be people's reactions...

5. You know that pond hockey is the best winter activity.We’re sorry to all of those who don’t understand hockey (aka all non-midwesterners.)

6. But, summers are a blast.From the farmers market, to everything at the Memorial Union, to the concert on the Square, to chilling on one of the four lakes, summer in Madison is relaxed and always fun.

7. There are some pretty dope nicknames for the city and the state.

“Mad Town,” "Wisco," “Berkley of the Midwest,” “Mad City,” "Sconnie," "Wiscompton," "Badger Land," "Packer Land" "America's Dairy Land," and "The Bears Still Suck"

8. You physically and mentally prepare yourself all year for Halloween, because Halloween is the best in Madison.

Freakfest is freaky and weird, but equally awesome.

9. Everyone bikes.


10. Rhythm and Booms is the only acceptable way to spend July 4th.Grab your beer, let’s go watch some fireworks.

11. Our food and restaurants (and bars) are bomb.

Go to Mickie's Dairy Bar, Ian’s Pizza, Babcock Ice Cream, Pizza di Roma, the Kollege Klub (aka “the KK,”) and, lastly and most importantly, Culvers. And make sure to get cheese curds. (And add as much ranch as possible.)

12. You know exactly what this chair is.

World famous Memorial Union chairs.

13. State Street is the way to spend time with your friends.

Great food, fun shopping, awesome atmosphere.

14. And lastly, you know exactly what I’m talking about when I mention “the ugly statue by Camp Randall.” Questionable shaped and definitely looks like a pile of poop, not a stack of footballs.

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