23 Truths Only Those Who Get Down And Dirty — Country Line Dancers — Know Too Well | The Odyssey Online
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23 Truths Only Those Who Get Down And Dirty — Country Line Dancers — Know Too Well

Let's head down to the barn!

23 Truths Only Those Who Get Down And Dirty — Country Line Dancers — Know Too Well
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I have been doing country line dancing for about two years now. When I first planned to go, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Other than the fact that I would be dancing, I didn't really do any research on what country line dancing really is.

Pretty much, if you think it's going to be a "hoe down" of square dancing, you're wrong. Line dancing is done across the globe, going as far as Germany. There's over thousands of dances done and taught around the world by millions of choreographers (myself included).

If you're a country line dancer, there's something unique about you. But only you, will understand these 23 facts.

You never count down, only up.

While most people usually count down "three, two, one", you tend to count up with "five, six, seven, eight (dance)."

You also consider "and" as a number.

One, two, AND, three, four...

Wall amnesia 

If you line dance, you'll know this.

Your memory has nothing but dances.

I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, but I can show you a dance I haven't done in two years!

But you'll often find yourself going "How's this one start again?"

Once the music plays, it all comes back. It's hard to remember the start to dances when you know so many!

Doing a dance "vanilla" to help a beginner learn it

The kindest of hearts do this and it always ends in the most polite thank you from the beginner.

When you've been working on that one move and finally nail it.

It takes some people a really long time to *really* get that dance move down. But once you do, it's the biggest victory of all.

Straight lines are satisfying to you.

Nothing brings more joy than seeing people in a nice straight line!

When you hear a song to a dance on the radio and yell "restart"

Line dancers will get this!

When you can't sleep cause you're doing the new dance you learned in your head.

I've lost so many hours of sleep cause of this and I'm not even mad!

You have to stop yourself from breaking out into dance.

I know I'm not the only one. You're at the store and all of a sudden a song you dance to comes on. And you're stuck fighting the urge to get up and start dancing in the isle. Or you don't find the urge and do it anyway!

You find yourself with A.D.D. (attention dance distraction).

You can be mid conversation and hear a song that you love the dance to and just completely forget the conversation being had!

Getting distracted during a dance is common

The amount of times I zone out and start doing a different dance is probably bad. Or all the times I'm too busy singing to the song and forget I'm dancing!

Also fighting not to dance in the car.

The radio playing is a blessing and a curse.

You can find a dance to ANY song.

Most line dances can be done to multiple songs. If you've ever learned the cowboy charleston (one of the oldest line dances that's still done today) you'll find that you can do it to probably 50+ songs. "Craving You", "Mud on the Tires", "Here for Love", the list goes on and on.

You will always defend your hobby!

Line dancers often get a not so great reputation. "It's just to boring country music" or "that can't be fun!" Line dancers know the truth of country line dancing, don't knock it till you try it!

You always have an idea if someone says "what should we do?"

Got nothing to do this weekend? Go line dancing. Want to do something fun for your bacherlorette party? Go line dancing. Want to do something cute and fun with your spouse/partner? Take a partner lesson at your local line dancing club.

The friendships you make are timeless.

For two years, I've been dancing at the Mishnock Barn, a line dancing club in Coventry, Rhode Island. In those two years, I've made not only friends, but family. You share your true colors with them.

 The laughs are endless.

A commonly shared moment is when the Dj calls out a dance and you so badly want to do it, so you hope someone else on the floor remembers it to follow them. Turns out nobody does and you all laugh while working together to figure it out!

It's the best thing to stay in shape.

Line dancing is a great workout. I go about three nights a week and dance for probably around three to four hours! I know a couple that goes four to five times a week and originally started going to lose weight. They've both lost 55+ lbs!

It's great for all ages.

At my local line dance club, while we don't allow anyone under 16 because we have a bar, it's great for any ages! My boyfriend has taught at a couple events where he taught kids as young as 4. We also have a couple that comes to our local line dance club and they're 83 and 86!

It can be really romantic.

Fun fact, I met my boyfriend at the Mishnock Barn (which his parents own). We honestly fell in love dancing together and we couldn't be happier. A lot of the couples that line dance have met that way or started going together and are the happiest because it's their special time together!

You couldn't imagine your life without it.

It's the best thing to ever come into your life and nothing makes you happier than when your boots hit that dance floor. Life problems disappear, even for just a little while. The best comfort.

One thing is for sure. A group of line dancers are family. They complete the dance. Someone knows the beginning, someone knows the ending, someone knows the restart, and everyone is there for the same thing...to join for the love of dancing. If you country line dance, you know that it's a home away from home and life wouldn't be the same if you hadn't started.

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