Growing up in a big family has its good times and bad. You love having a huge support system, but sometimes it can get a little overwhelming. Every family gathering is like a mini holiday and every year it just seems to get bigger. You've grown used to all the things that come along with having a big family because to you this is the norm.
1. It’s absolutely too much to ask for everyone to get Christmas gifts so you have come up with a system to cut down the costs.
Whose name will I draw this year?
2. Taking family pictures is impossible because someone is always not there.
Who are we missing?
3. Half of your closet consists of hand-me-downs from your family. The clothes just keeping circling from people to people.
OK...maybe more than half your closet.
4. Making a holiday meal usually requires a plan to see who’s bringing what and rarely does all the food fit on one table.
Buffet style anyone?
5. Sleepovers meant figuring out who was going to sleep on the floor or on the couch because there weren’t enough beds.
Or pillows…or blankets…
6. You love sharing stories and photos from the past.
No matter how many times you hear the stories. It never gets old.
7. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sports game, a band concert or a spelling bee; your whole family always comes to support you.
Even if it requires ear plugs.
8. You can hardly keep track of everyone’s ages you’re truly shocked when you find out your cousin isn’t eight years old anymore.
When did you grow up?
9. Saying goodbye after every family event always takes a solid hour because it may be months before you see them again.
And you still ask yourself, “Did I miss anyone?”
10. At the end of the day, you are one large group of friends who you can’t imagine living without.
Family over everything.