The first thing that usually comes to mind when people hear of "New Years" is, "What am I going to do differently this year?" They think of the year in review, and are excited to start changing things that they didn't like from the past year or continue things that worked for them.
However at the end of every year before the big celebration of the new year, almost every resolution from the past year seemed to have not been "resolved." But why? Is it the way the world rotates around the sun that messes up people's plans? Is it other people in their life that contribute to their failed resolution? No. No. No. It is nobody's fault but their own.
Here's the thing. If you have a goal for the new year, you are not restricted to those 365 days to complete it. So if it doesn't go as planned by the time those 365 days are over, don't give up there. I personally have resolutions that may not get resolved until 2020. Or 2030 for that matter. Sometimes a new year resolution is pretty big, and most of the time it will not take 365 days. However, in order to not discourage yourself from reaching your goal, make each year's resolution a small part of a big resolution. If by the 200th day of the year, that small part isn't resolved, KEEP TRYING!
Here's another truth about resolutions. Sometimes the world likes to take a turn on us. What we thought we wanted to resolve is now not that important. Instead, another goal may be what needs to be focused on. When you think about it, that's what makes each year different. New year, new goals. Most goals for the new year, are things that weren't accomplished the last year, and so on. In my opinion, although we shouldn't give up on our goals, we shouldn't block out unexpected ones. If we are so hung up on one resolution, we could be missing out on something even better.
So as you raise your glass and kiss your loved ones this New Year's, try not to focus on what wasn't completed, or what needs to be completed. Instead, be excited for what new goals are in your path for 2017!