Now that you are officially enrolled in college, things automatically change back home. It's sad to admit but everyone loses touch with some high school friends eventually. College is about the time where you branch out and decide who you want to be. There are no longer curfews, fashion guidelines, rumors or anyone you truly need to impress anymore—all that mattered in high school. With a new atmosphere and people, every person begins to evolve into the someone they were meant to be. It means change.
You and your high school friends will still hangout, but there will be a shift in group dynamics. Some become closer, some drift apart and you may even lose the person you thought was your best friend. It's the sad truth that most people after their freshman year of college experience. You sit at home on breaks counting down the days you return to school. You begin to scroll through old photos of tailgates, date parties and socials dreaming of the moment you see your college friends again. You even find yourself texting all your best friends from school in your designated group message, "I miss you guys ugh." And that's all that needs to be said.
These are the sad truths about summer:
1. You will work so much you will realize the real world sucks.
2. And once you realize that. you will look at your degree audit and try and find a way to do an extra year just so you can stay in school.
3. You realize you're working so much because you are so dirt poor, it's gotten embarrassing.
4. Your high school friends will try and arrange plans, and they WILL fall through.
5. Parties with high school friends aren't the same
6. You find yourself just repeating the same stories of high school memories, because no one knows who the others friends really are
7. You will never spend so much time with your parents.
8. Ever.
9. Your parents will become your best friends, and you will thoroughly look forward to movie nights with them.
10. It will get to the point that if your parents have plans, you truly don't know what to do with yourself.
11. And in that case, you are most likely hanging at home with your dog.
12. Oh, and your dog will also become your best friend.
13. Walks with your dog will be a source of much joy, and you will look forward to them just as much as they do.
14. You will sit at home and watch Netflix. A lot. To the point where you have to Google search what show to watch next and hope there are at least five seasons.
15. Once boredom levels have peaked, you will search your Pinterest board and decide to craft.
16. Crafting is a great way to spend your lonely summer. Might as well get some decorations for the room that are cheap (because again, you're so poor) and get a headstart on gifts for your little or Grandbig
17. By the end of summer, you will look back on all the things you wanted to do like go to the beach, the city and the amusement park and realize that all you did was a Big. Fat. Nothing. And the best part? Every summer after that will only get worse!
Tips in order to save yourself:
1. Tan. Once winter hits, you are done and will resemble Casper.
2. Buy books and read to not lose so many brain cells.
3. Expect summer will not be "the best summer ever," and it might actually be okay.
4. Pick up hobbies, literally anything, even knitting. Again you are poor and beanies that actually look good, without your head looking like a cone, are hard to come by and expensive.
5. Remember, at the end of summer, you return to the real homies, and the wait makes it all the better.