It's a weed. It spreads like wildfire -- controlling and hurting many in its devouring. But we all do it on a daily basis. Letting it take over our mind. Letting it settle in like a fog, blinding us.
A part of life's history and our own past, and if we let it, a part of our future.
We all think it will solve the problem quicker when as a result we only miss out on so much of life's beauty in the chaos of "worry."
Here is food for thought: Did worrying ever fix the problem? Get you the answers you were looking for? Did your son or daughter come home the time they were told, or at all? Did it do anything for you other than take away from the enjoyment of the beautiful things around you just waiting to be admired? There will always be one thing or another to consume your mind, to let eat away at you while you lay awake way later than usual, knowing all too well it will do nothing. And no, the excuse, "But what if I'm just a worrier?" doesn't work here. There is no such thing a just a worrier. Let me let you in on a little secret: YOU are in control of every single thought that passes through the channels of your mind. That is why we are reminded in 2 Corinthians to take every thought captive. To make sure and shut down every thought that you know will lead you into a roller coaster, gut-wrenching, tornado spin!
You might wonder, what then am I supposed to do knowing my child is out there? Or that I don't have enough for my next set of bills? Well, I am so glad you asked--First things first, who knew the desires of your heart before the creation of this beautiful universe? Who has thoughts of you like the grains of sand in the sea? Yes! The ALL mighty God! What an amazing friend of mine once said, "He has already been to your tomorrow!" He knows the where, the when, the what, the who, and, most importantly, the how of every little detail of your life. So many times I've noticed myself putting God on such a high pedestal that it makes Him feel unreachable. It makes it feel as though my prayers only reach my ceiling and no further because I didn't get an automatic response or answer. But there is beauty in the silence. That is when He is doing the most at work on your situation. But the moment you start to worry and try and DO things on your own, that's when you ARE on your own. He waits for your surrender, He waits till you realize that there really isn't enough worrying to be done to change or fix your situation.
So for all of us worriers (me included) let's let go and let God. In everything. With everything.