"I survived because the fire inside of me burned brighter than the fire around me." - Unknown Author
Life is a beautiful thing offering endless beautiful places, people, and opportunities--all of which we will experience.
However, aside from every beautiful thing life has to offer, there come downfalls such as disappointments, tragedies, failures, and setbacks.
Things happen to us that are meant to build us and make us stronger. Though it may not seem like it, you can overcome anything thrown at you.
The news lately is filled with horrible, horrible things that it’s painful to even turn on. People of all ages and types are suffering, dying, missing, etc.
Though these particular things most likely haven't personally happened to you and probably never will, it is important to be aware that they do happen to someone every day. At any moment, at any time, and at any place, that could be you or someone you love, too.
With that being said, don't live every day in fear; just be conscientious. Your values, morals, and heart are your own, not everyone will have the exact same ones. Always say 'I love you," open the door for people, cherish your time here, thank God, and count your blessings. You are lucky, but there are many others in the world that do not have the luxury of saying that they are right now.
Though everything I just said is among the morbid circumstances in life, there are things a bit more mild and common that happen to us daily. Such as the failures and setbacks. It is crucial for you to know that everything happens for a reason; out of your control. Accept that you cannot control every situation because believe it or not, there is a reason for why it happened no matter how awful it may seem at the time. You will not win every time, but you are not supposed to. None of those things can permanently stop you and the sooner you realize that the better off and more at ease you will be.
We are never alone; we have our families, friends, significant others, and God. This may be a touchy subject for some, but for me, I believe it is important to pray about it; who knows life better than the one who created it? If there is one thing I have learned in life, it's that praying helps. Though some of our prayers may not be answered, that itself could be considered a blessing--you just never know. Some things don't make sense at all, but there is a reason for them. We might even blame God for them, but just know that some sort of good is bound to come out of everything negative that happens to you and it happens to better you.
You don't always need to plan every little detail of every little thing in life out. Life is going to take its course how it is supposed to; breathe, trust, and let go then see what happens. You would be surprised with what happens when you let go of control a little bit and just take life for a ride.
It has been said before, things fall apart so other things can fall into place, and we lose certain people so we can gain better ones. Things are always being shifted in our favor at every single moment to make our lives how they are supposed to be.So, what is the truth about life?
Well, the truth is that life will not prepare you for the scary things it entails. It will throw curve balls at you, make you question yourself multiple times a day, make you want to crawl in a hole and never come out, and it will really kick your butt sometimes. But life will also give you many things to appreciate, so do so.
If there is one thing I have learned, it goes on.
"Life is tough, my darling, but so are you." - Stephanie Bennett-Henry