When opinions differ and clash, conflict and chaos can arise from the battle. I see it on social media. I hear it at school. I'm even the co-captain of a club that's all about discussing differing opinions: debate.
It really bothers me how friendships are broken, families are disconnected, and co-workers have no respect for one other all because of differing opinions. What we fail to understand is that differing opinions are rooted in values, those values are rooted in morality, and the foundation of morality is based upon your understanding of truth.
To clarify, a person's opinion can't be "wrong" because, well, it's their opinion. Your conflicting opinion doesn't negate the validity of theirs. If we would just respect opinions at that level, a lot of pointless arguing would cease to exist.
Try to look past the other person's opinion for a second and understand that his or her opinions have been shaped by what he or she values. Value is defined as one's judgment of what is important in life. Everyone has his or her own life experiences, and that forms what he or she value. For someone who has never experienced what it feels like to be viewed as worthless to society, I cannot tell someone who has experienced such judgment that his or her opinion is wrong. Someone who has not experienced harassment cannot tell someone else who has been harassed that his or her opinion on the matter is invalid, because, once again, we all live different lives and experience different things.
Values are a complete reflection of morality. Morality is defined as "the principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior." Based off of what you believe to be right or wrong, you then judge the life experiences around you and come to your own conclusion, otherwise know as forming your own opinion. What is moral or immoral is an on-going debate. Many ask, "Are morals based off or religion, or is religion based off of morals?"
To answer those questions, I honestly have to say neither. I believe that morals are based off your relationship with truth, not "religion." What do I mean by your relationship with truth? Well, who is truth?
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).
When we have a genuine relationship with God and we are having a difficult time deciding what is right or wrong, we can go to Him and ask. Don't become so religious that you miss the point of the Christian faith, which is to have a relationship with the Lord.
When you are living a life that is connected with The Truth, you won't have to second guess your morals, values or opinions. Can we all make an effort, especially believers, to respect others' opinions?