9. You get giddy when you can watch an episode of HGTV, because sports is on the TV 24/7 | The Odyssey Online
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13 Things You Know To Be True If You Grew Up With Brothers

Fart jokes, football, and fighting - you name it!

13 Things You Know To Be True If You Grew Up With Brothers
Bridget Ells

Growing up with two brothers had its benefits and downsides. Even though it came with a "wrestling education" I always knew I had them to protect me. I know girls who grew up with brothers and brothers only can relate.

1. Writing your name in bold letters all over your leftovers box

Adding a devil with horns might do the touch too! People who grew up with brothers knew you had to fend for your food.

2. You know how to throw a football properly

On rare occasions they'd let you join them playing toss in the yard...ONLY if you knew how to spiral the football properly.

3. They never steal your clothes but you most definitely steal their cool jerseys

"Bridget, where did my bulls basketball jersey go?"

4. It's easier to shop for your boyfriend because you know what men like most for gifts

Instead of looking up "boyfriend gift ideas" on Pinterest, you have the best resource guides right in front of you.

5. You're spoiled

Being the only girl, you get spoiled a little extra! Yes it'd be different if you had sisters, and no you're not complaining about it!

6. You sat through all their sports games

And you bet you were their #1 fan!

7. Fart jokes, poop jokes, fart jokes, fart jokes

The jokes always seemed to be at the worst times: the dinner table, out in public, or when your friends were over.

8. There isn't ever any "petty" drama

There's never any petty drama like what you might have with sisters. You can push each others buttons and laugh about it at the end of the day.

9. You get giddy when you can watch an episode of HGTV, because sports is on the TV 24/7

You're singled out when you have brothers because sports will ALWAYS win the majority vote.

10. You lowkey crushed on your older brother's friends

All girls can relate there was that one friend your older brother had that you always thought was cute growing up.

11. The toilet seat was always up

No matter how many times you reminded them, you always ended up flicking the seat down.

12. You've gained a high patience level and thick skin

You turned into a pretty tough chick from all the troubles your brothers gave you!

13. At the end of the day, you feel extremely lucky to have them.

You know they're always going to have your back and you're going to have theirs. Brothers are the biggest blessings.

Besides, your mom can play the role of your sister anyway!

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