Many would agree that this overwhelming and upcoming election is filled with deceit, lies and confusion. To make all of this complexity even more, well, complex, there was a controversial stunt that was pulled just last weekend. This event was none other than the infamous exit of Hillary Clinton at the 9/11 commemoration ceremony. Tons of speculation has been aimed toward Clinton and her close advisors about not only her leaving but also her stumbling and possible fainting spell. The response from her staff was that she was, at the time, sick and suffering from pneumonia. This raises great concern for all of America as the election season progresses. Is this candidate and potential president of the United States of America too ill to preform her duties? I’m not saying this at all and I’m definitely not putting down pneumonia. However, what I would like to touch on has nothing to do with conspiracy theories or politics at all for that matter. What I do want to talk about is what actually happens while you have pneumonia.
Being an asthmatic, I am more than a little prone to the annoying and possibly deadly lung infection: pneumonia. Typically, I obtain this infection at least once a year and to be perfectly honest, it is not in any way, shape, or form, a fun experience. You tend to ache in certain joints, have a terrible wheeze, experience a little fatigue and most of all have a very difficult time breathing. I have been in bed for two days sick with this illness and I have gone to school with it. Like I said, I am very prone to this, therefore I have lots of experience with it. However, in all my years of having my lungs closed up, I have never once experienced any form of fainting or even dizziness that could be related to passing out. To myself, a seasoned sick person, this just doesn’t add up. Of course, many people react differently to similar situations, however, I believe there is more to this story. I understand that dehydration happens, but if someone is likely to be the president of the United States, they should have people that look after silly aspects like that. On top of that, when you go to the doctor as a kid when you are sick, the doctor tells you to drink lots of fluids. At this point, when you are 69 years old, hydration should be common sense. Either way, illness is nothing to scoff at, so I digress.
The worst part about this whole event is that it just looks like a cover up for something else. The same thing would happen if this person was Donald Trump and the same thing would happen if it was Gary Johnson and the same thing would happen if it was any other person ever. Politics have a sort of love/hate relationship with the public. We love to watch all the drama, but when it comes down to reality, the lack of transparency gets on our last nerves. While this entire article has been about the truth behind Clinton’s illness and the walls that are put up in politics (no pun intended) we must not lose sight that Hillary isn’t the only one that is sick. Our nation is feeling weak also and someone needs to step up and heal it, whether it is Hillary, Trump or any other outsider.