As a child, gingerbread houses never really appealed to me. Being a lazy individual, I did not really want to spend a large amount of time creating something out of sweets and not be able to eat the finished product. But, now that I'm older and wiser, I decided to give the construction of a gingerbread house a try...
So, I went out and purchased this kit at Harris Teeter that was on sale for $9.99....
I was in awe of all the pieces that I had to place on the house (it took me a good 20 minutes to make the icing start to come out).
The foundation was simple enough!
Okay, maybe the icing tip was a little large...
There was a casualty in the process...
Okay, multiple casualties!..
There weren't enough of the large candies in the bag so I improvised!
Silly snowman, you aren't a walkway!
Small details are not really my strong suit.
At least something went right on the roof!
Home Sweet Home?
Never again will I spend money on a food product I cannot consume. Happy Holidays!